Removing leg hair!

primalcarl Posts: 579
edited December 2007 in Road beginners
I'm the only guy in our sunday group with hairy legs. I've bought some Veet cream today ready for tomorrows ride but it says to test an area 24 hours before actual removal. That means hairy legs again tomorrow!

If you have smooth legs, what method do you use?


  • It only says that in case you are allergic to any of the ingredients or you have sensitive skin.
  • Drunken blow-torch dares
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    primalcarl wrote:
    I'm the only guy in our sunday group with hairy legs. I've bought some Veet cream today ready for tomorrows ride but it says to test an area 24 hours before actual removal. That means hairy legs again tomorrow!

    If you have smooth legs, what method do you use?

    Why would you want to shave your legs anyway ?

    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    primalcarl wrote:
    I'm the only guy in our sunday group with hairy legs. I've bought some Veet cream today ready for tomorrows ride but it says to test an area 24 hours before actual removal. That means hairy legs again tomorrow!

    If you have smooth legs, what method do you use?

    So why would you want to shave them anyway? Are you a pro rider? Or perhaps you're a girl? Apart from that why would you want to do such a thing? Stay hairy and be different I say! I am on both counts.
  • The Immac worked no problems, although it's expensive stuff so I'll probably use a razor most of the time.

    It just looked wrong wearing lycra and having really hairy legs
  • Stop it now!

    It's all a bit too ymca.gif for my liking.

    My Bikes:

  • Beware of the hair removal creams!

    IME what happened was that it removed the hair in some patches, just made it go kind of 'scorched' in others, and had no effect in others still. This was even after leaving the cream on slightly over the max recommended time.

    The overall effect was worse than if I'd not bothered, so I had to redo the job with a razor anyway. :(

    Now, it might just be that previously untreated hair is more resilient--but having used most of the tube in one go (OK it was cheapo Superdrug own-brand stuff) I'm not keen to keep trying.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    You could buy the Rapha Leg Shaving Kit (p. 35 on the attached)

    A steal at £130 (wtf?!?!?)
  • primalcarl wrote:
    I'm the only guy in our sunday group with hairy legs. I've bought some Veet cream today ready for tomorrows ride but it says to test an area 24 hours before actual removal. That means hairy legs again tomorrow!

    If you have smooth legs, what method do you use?

    So why would you want to shave them anyway? Are you a pro rider? Or perhaps you're a girl? Apart from that why would you want to do such a thing? Stay hairy and be different I say! I am on both counts.
    Why do you have to be a pro or a girl to shave legs? :D
    I suppose you also have a very long beard? No? Don't tell me you shave your face? Why would you do that?
  • primalcarl wrote:
    I'm the only guy in our sunday group with hairy legs. I've bought some Veet cream today ready for tomorrows ride but it says to test an area 24 hours before actual removal. That means hairy legs again tomorrow!

    If you have smooth legs, what method do you use?

    So why would you want to shave them anyway? Are you a pro rider? Or perhaps you're a girl? Apart from that why would you want to do such a thing? Stay hairy and be different I say! I am on both counts.

    What? Hairy AND a girl?? :shock: :D
  • sloboy
    sloboy Posts: 1,139
    It's a funny thing how people seem to regard women leg shaving as part of some kind of natural order rather than as a fairly recent fashion.

    Lady leg shaving in US in the modern era was popularised in the 1940's and underarm shaving in the 1910's. In other cultures, it either hasn't happened at all or only more recntly. The adoption seems to be driven largely by fashion.

    So I view cyclists as ahead of their time. As short wearing in public on non-sporting occasions becomes more common for fellas, I fully expect the level of pelt to be reduced.
  • Use a mach3 when in a warm shower :D

    this works well for me to!
  • primalcarl wrote:
    I'm the only guy in our sunday group with hairy legs. I've bought some Veet cream today ready for tomorrows ride but it says to test an area 24 hours before actual removal. That means hairy legs again tomorrow!

    If you have smooth legs, what method do you use?

    Veet !!!! Ouch !!!! Make sure you put a sock over your...................... :lol:

  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    It's getting to be the sort of weather where hairy legs are an asset (if you're a bloke that is), so put the Veet™ back on the shelf for the winter.

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • RedAende
    RedAende Posts: 158
    Just tried superdrug own brand, tried 1 calf as a test for allergy etc, left on for full 10 minutes, hair just fell off, works a treat. Removing the whole lot tomorrow, heading off to Lanzarote after xmas hence the winter "shaving".

    Red Aende, Red Spesh Hardrock, Wine Mercian, Rusty Flying Scot
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    McBain_v1 wrote:
    It's getting to be the sort of weather where hairy legs are an asset (if you're a bloke that is), so put the Veet™ back on the shelf for the winter.

    Why an asset? Leg hair does not keep your legs warm if thats what your thinking.
    I keep mine shaved in winter as it is easier to rub in deep heat and olive oil to keep legs warm and dry :D
  • Why do cyclists shave their legs? I've no idea
    The scent of these arm-pits is aroma finer than prayer
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    songwriter wrote:
    Why do cyclists shave their legs? I've no idea

    The reasons I've been told:

    1. It makes you go quicker
    2. If you come off the bike the wounds heal better
    3. Looks better, stops hairs poking through lycra

    Probably other reasons aswell,

    Shaving my legs is not a thing I'm going to be doing too soon.
    I like bikes...

  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    McBain_v1 wrote:
    It's getting to be the sort of weather where hairy legs are an asset (if you're a bloke that is), so put the Veet™ back on the shelf for the winter.

    Why an asset? Leg hair does not keep your legs warm if thats what your thinking.
    I keep mine shaved in winter as it is easier to rub in deep heat and olive oil to keep legs warm and dry :D

    I suppose you think it makes you go quicker or something? lol :lol:
  • orv
    orv Posts: 92
    1. It makes you go quicker
    2. If you come off the bike the wounds heal better
    3. Looks better, stops hairs poking through lycra
    I reckon Matt Seatons right. It's simply because everyone else does it.

    I like to be different.
  • Hudster
    Hudster Posts: 142
    I'm hairly legged at the moment, however I did shave my legs for a season a few years back.

    The reason I did it was because I had a slight niggly muscle injury that needed massaging regularly and this for far easier without hairs. However, what I noticed without hairs was that my legs were so much easier to clean that I kept up the shaving through the summer.

    Might go back to doing it again as the cleaning thing was really a positive.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Those that shave leg hair, do you shave your arms aswell?

    How far up the legs do you stop shaving (to avoid the hairy-smooth transition line)?
    I like bikes...

  • terongi
    terongi Posts: 318
    does anyone get them waxed like girls do?
  • gavintc
    gavintc Posts: 3,009
    A friend of mine got a leg wax discount by going with his wife - 4 legs were cheaper than 2 lots of 2 legs. Personally, I just use a razor.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    McBain_v1 wrote:
    It's getting to be the sort of weather where hairy legs are an asset (if you're a bloke that is), so put the Veet™ back on the shelf for the winter.

    Why an asset? Leg hair does not keep your legs warm if thats what your thinking.
    I keep mine shaved in winter as it is easier to rub in deep heat and olive oil to keep legs warm and dry :D

    I suppose you think it makes you go quicker or something? lol :lol:

    Erm no I do not thinkit makes me go faster :D .
    Though deep heat on your balls does !!!

    It is 100% easier rubbing oils into shaved legs, IMO more important in winter than summer.
    Also if you crash, try treating gravel rash with hairy legs !!!!
    It is far easier with a hairless leg, hairs infect cuts so easily also.
    Why do you think surgeons shave patients before surgery?
  • Try a an epilator to keep things hair free - 2/3 weeks between sessions no problem. G/f complains if I don't clean it to her satisfaction afterwarsd mind :cry:
  • orv
    orv Posts: 92
    Though deep heat on your balls does !!!
    It is 100% easier rubbing oils into shaved legs, IMO more important in winter than summer.
    Never had any trouble rubbing into hairy leg just use enough oil.
    Also if you crash, try treating gravel rash with hairy legs !!!!
    again. never had a problem. just use loads of water. then a liberal application of spray on plaster.
    It is far easier with a hairless leg, hairs infect cuts so easily also.
    no more than the copious quantities of earth and road.
    Why do you think surgeons shave patients before surgery?
    so they can draw those cool pictures with the purple pens easier?
  • Adamskii
    Adamskii Posts: 267
    Hairy legs are a pain if you get road rash. I shaved my leg only after I fell off so the dressing had something to stick to!
    It's all good.
  • Agree with Adamski. After my first road rash (with hairy legs) and having to change a 9" * 6" dressing every day for about a week (pain was memorable from the hairs being ripped off) I've been shaved ever since. And to be honest its because most other guys at the club shave - its a tribal thing, you fit in with your cycling mates and you're a bit different to your non-cycling mates.