Saddles - Try before you buy

scapaslow Posts: 305
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
I've never come across an LBS that offers this service. Anyone know one that does? Preferably in Scotland.
I've seen a few posts that say the above. I'd like to try a new saddle but as i've now got three and none are quite right i'm wary about shelling out ad infinitum until i find the right one.


  • Bontrager do an "unconditional comfort guarantee" According to the swing tag attached to the saddle i bought if you're not completely satisfied you can take it back to the shop for a full refund within 90days. The staff at the shop appeared to know nothing about it but i figured they couldn't really argue with me if i did want to take it back.

    Might be worth trying. I didn't test the guarantee out as the saddle was comfy so don't know what would happen if you did take it back under the guarantee.
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    It's of no use to you (Kent), but my LBS does. They just ask that you return it within 3 days if you're not happy with it.


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)