Clubs in Wharfedale area for newbie

nasahapley Posts: 717
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
Hello all;

I bought my first road bike about a month ago and have been enjoying rides of varying length around the Yorkshire Dales (I live in Ilkley). I think I'm doing ok speed-wise; one of my favourite routes is a hilly 85 miler up to Hawes and back which took me a bit under 5 hours last time I tried, but am thinking of joining a club in order to improve faster.

Is anyone on here familiar with any clubs in the Wharfedale area that would be suitable for a newbie? And have you found that joining a club has been beneficial to your performance?

I've tried getting in touch with Otley CC, but have been waiting ages for a reply to my email, which isn't too encouraging. Are there any current/past members here?
