Cheque Spread Bike Purchase.

Fil Moore
Fil Moore Posts: 15
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
Does anybody know what's involved with buying a bike from JE James with their cheque spread system?
Obviously I need my cheque book, guarantee card, and deposit. I've checked on their site and they have the bike that I'd like in stock and it also advises to phone first which I have done (three times) only to be told "I dunno. I'm not involved in that. I'll get somebody to phone you back" which hasn't happend in over a week.
I'd go elsewhere but I can't find the bike anywhere reasonably local to me, the credit card doesn't have enough available to use that (that would just be too easy for my complicated life) and it probably won't be able to cover it until the New Year (damn my lust for far away holidays).
Is there a lengthy filing in of forms or something. I'd have thought it would be quite straight forward?


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    The things usually require some lengthy credit form-filling arrangement to some finance company - so be prepared to credit checks and references. Worth checking out whether the buying the bike cheap and getting a bank loan is cheaper than paying full price and getting 'interest free'. Also consider getting a new credit card with interest-free purchases - but watch out for the interest if you can't clear the debt!
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • I know that Ribble Cycles do the cheque spread thing. I used it a few years back and simply posted them post-dated cheques, simple as that. You had to write the cheque card number on the back along with your details but that was it..

    I'd continue to badger them and demand them to phone you back if fobbed off.. Customer service aint what it used to be is it!
  • If it is actually called Chequespread then it is dead easy, proof of adress may be needed and the shop just phone Chequesprspread details of you, your bank etc. and your cheques and they confirm whether or not they will guarantee your cheques to the shop. This way if you cancel your cheques or any of them bounce you are chased by Cheqespread for the money and not the bike shop.
  • ime they take on much more work than they can handle, as such they are very disorganised, and will probably forget all about it 5 seconds after they put the phone down.
    They are good though, this is probably the reason they are so busy.
  • Thanks everybody. I think I'll get the train over to Chesterfield on Saturday and hopefully I will have my new bike to ride home.