Best lubricant for Mavic Freehub

grimpeur Posts: 230
edited September 2007 in Workshop

Yesterday evening I stripped down the freehub in my Mavic Ksyrium SL as it had begun to exhibit the "death squeal" free wheeling on descents. Cleaning everything out got rid of the awful noise but I didn't really have the right lube at hand and was unsure what to use to lubricate the pawls on the inside of the hub. At present I have just used GT85 but this is a very very light lubricant and won't last long. Anything wax based is also out as it will gum up the inside of the freehub.

Mavic recommend 'mineral oil', presumably due to it's viscosity but I can't find anywhere selling it. Can any one out there recommend anything, hopefully with a URL to an online shop where I can buy it!


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Weldtite Lithium grease..
    Do a search on EBay,cheaper than in the shops.