dttlincs Posts: 384
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
I have some pain mostly in my left knee but also a bit in the right. It is on the "inside" of each knee approx where they touch when you put your legs together. It is best described as a twinge and feels like it is moving slightly down from the knee towards the calf. It does not bother me all the time but is most noticeable when going for it and trying to pull on the upstroke of the pedal. Obviously I avoid this at the moment.
Can saddle set up, cleat set up or anything else cause this? I haven't adjusted any of these in a long time.
Any help appreciated.
Still thinking!


  • i recommend you do allot more down stroke cycling for a while. because the body isn't...naturally designed to cope with upstroke lifting of weight. so the socket is... over time coming out of its socket(allowing liquid to get into the socket more often than should, this causes pain over time.
    the best way is to do allot more down stroke exercise like a normal person would, weight on the socket, like a normal person walks, there weight is putting pressure in that area. so just take it a tad easier for a while, and then go back to your old upstroke full effort routeen.
    but try to balance the force of your pedal strokes out more between all of your leg so it isn't concentrated so much upon your knee joint area. I found it was my hips doing all the work and all of the strain for a while, and this happened to me. but i cottoned on and changed the effort balance of my legs so that all of my leg is taking the upward lift force of the pedal more equally.
    i'm only answering on what you've told me, but better still, go see a doctor and get it quickly checked out.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Any lateral knee pain is likely to do with pedal/cleat position - however - check your saddle height first as too low a saddle can cause knee-tracking problems. Try raising the saddle a cm or so to take some pressure of your knees. If you don't how to sort your pedal cleat position, best to seek some specialist help and you may need to consider pedals with increased rotational 'float'. I doubt it has anything to do with pulling up on the pedals per-se.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • See a sports physio.

    Knee pain generally won't go away on its own and can result in longer term problems. Been there, done that. A 45 minute session (about £45) and a few weeks exercise may be all that is necessary.

    Probably the root cause is poor bike set-up (saddle too high/low and or cleats in the wrong position) and/or over-doing it.
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    I agree with Andrew, sports physio is the way to go. I have done more miles this year and rode some sportives around June. They were hilly and the combination of these and the increased miles, my left knee said that was enough. Tried to keep riding - no improvement. Tried rest - felt OK but as soon as I was back on the bike I was back to square one. Only had a couple of physio sessions so far but my knee felt much better after a quick spin this morning.
  • Thanks for the help.
    Like i mentioned I have not changed my set up for a long time so wanted to make sure this could be part of the issue before tinkering with cleat/saddle position.
    I will also consult my GP asap.
    Thanks again.
    Still thinking!