Campag Gear Lever Tension

feno46 Posts: 66
edited September 2007 in Workshop
Veloce groupset. xenon levers and rear mech, 10 speed.

Should there be any free play in rear mech gear change lever?. The long one that up shifts to large sprocket. There is no play in the cable but about 1-2 inches movement in lever till cage starts to move. There is no play in the front mech levers. They are nice and positive, rear feels sloppy.

I have tried ajusting outer cable ajusters but this just messes up the indexing.
Have looked on the Parktool site but cannot find anything.

Bike is a couple of weeks old now, done about 100 miles, so probaly needs minor ajustments but got it from Wiggle so cant take it in anywhere.

Cheers, Pete.
Its how far !!


  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Sure there's no slack in the cable? Grab an exposed piece of outer and gently pull it away from the frame. If you can move the cable without the mech moving, then you need to adjust the cable.
  • Just given that a try,soon as I move the outer the mech starts to move.

    Have just mearsured it. The lever moves 1 3/4 in before the mech starts to move.

    Its how far !!
  • Certainly, there should be no play in the lever. The mechanism in them should 'snap' from gear to gear.

    You could always go to the campag site and download the instruction sheet for both the front ergo lever and also the rear mech and set up as per their instructions. ... r_0307.pdf

    For QS levers: ... _06_06.pdf ... illeur.pdf

    If you find the fault is with the actual lever, then contact wiggle and ask for a replacement - do this within 28 days of your purchase though.
  • Thanks campagsarge

    I have all that in the manuals that came with the bike.

    I think I will contact Wiggle as you sugest.

    Fitting a new lever will be a pain,removal of tape etc. Not something I have done for many a year. It was yellow plastic stcky tape and Weinman levers then

    Its how far !!
  • You dont have to remove the tape (depends how the bar was wrapped), just undo the clamping nut fully and the lever wil come away (you still need to undo the cable inners at the gears.

    Mercian will service the levers. I just had one repair (crash damage) and it came back better than new
    Recipe: shave legs sparingly, rub in embrocation and drizzle with freshly squeezed baby oil.
  • Yep, I sent an old skool 8 speed athena leaver to them to get the spring replaced. They did a fantastic job in a very quick turnaround time as well. Highly recommended.