help, need advice!

rockon448 Posts: 4
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
my name is George and am 16 years old and am new to road cycling along with being new to this forum and i have just ordered a giant scr 3.0 to start up with. is this a good bike? also me and my mate were planning on doing a trip of around 130 miles in march and was wondering the best way to approach this as in distances to do for training every day, and also what muscles we should be building up. and also nearer to the day what is good to eat for the event.
this would all be very usefull info for me and my freind as we have vage ideas but have never done an endurance cycle of this sort before and any advice you could give would be of great help! :lol::wink:


  • I see lots reading and no replies :D
    It is a common question but as your new I will start the ball rolling :D
    First of all I have no idea what the bike is so cannot comment :D but basically it is more to do with your legs :D
    As you are only 16 your joints and muscles are still developing so you need to ensure that you do not overgear during training. That is basically using gears that are to hard to pedal, this will only strain your knees and muscles.
    I would not worry about what type of muxcles to build up because as you cycle more the muscles you require for cycling will devlop as you train.
    You have plenty of time between now and March to train to be able to do a 130 mile event.
    If you have never ridden I would start off with rides of 10 to 15 miles two times midweek and probably 20 to 25 on weekend.
    Do this for 2 to 3 weeks, then gradually increase the mileage probably to 25 to 30 midweek then 50 on weekends. After about 6 to 8 weeks you will begin to notice you leg muscles developing and you will feel far better and comfortable on rides.
    Once at this stage you can do longer ride on one of the weekend days up to 70 or 80 miles.
    You will probably get lots of advice about food and drink on here.
    Basically for rides of 25 miles or less you should need a bottle but not really any food but take a banana if you like. If it is morning ride, have breakfast before rididn if poss.
    For longer rides you will need en energy drink containing electrolyte to assist with rehydration and prevent cramping. Iusually take two for longer rides, one with energy, the other with squash.
    For food I take flapjacks and couple of bananas. Also some money incase I feel hungry so I can stop in cafe :D
    You can also take an energy gel with you as reserve but make sure you drink water after taking a gel or you may feel queezy.
    Another thing to do is look at the link below and find a club that you can go along with the guys on a club run where you will gets lots of advice, encouragment etc and get to ride with others; ... Finder.asp

    I recently rode from London to Paris and there was a woman who was about 20 and she only ever rode max 25 miles before on abike and she made it ( 380 miles over 4 days) :D
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    Looks like good advise above.

    Build up to a reasonable distance over time.

    Even in the winter try to get out at weekends when you can.

    The areas that need to build up will do as you become 'bike fit'

    Giving it Large
  • For training, try this link, if my technical abilities have managed to paste it!

    It's the suggested traing for the Cape Argus Cycle Tour...
    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...
  • cheers for all this info, im sure it will all be of great help to me and my friend! just gotta wait for my bike to arrive! should be hear tomorrow so planning to do a trip out on that then and get the feel for it especially as i've been used to a bmx before!
  • George, best of luck...your enthusiasm is contagious..I'm as excited as you about the arrival of your bike!!! :D
    17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...
  • :D well ill be sure to let you know how i will get on with it!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    I'm also new to this but I hopefully will be able to offer some words of encouragement.

    I have a Giant SCR3 just like you. I've been riding it for the last 6 months and have built up steadily to riding 110 miles just last weekend. I've been over the peaks in derbyshire, all over anglesey, hills in scotland and have become well aquainted with the quiet lanes of cheshire. I've enjoyed every minute of it and my bike has been brilliant (I try to stop thinking that I've not yet had a puncture because then it's sure to happen). I find myself starting to look at posh bikes now and i'm sure that you'll also do that too but the Giant is brilliant so good choice.

    I'm a 33 yrd old mother of 4 and I have managed to fit in enough training time to manage a century. I'm really proud of this which is why I keep repeating it on any thread possible :oops: . You're going to manage your 130 miles easily if you spend time on your bike in the coming months.

    I wish I'd got seriously into cycling at age 16. I was heavily into a different sport at that age (a real sport, not something smutty, and I was really good too) but I often think how things might have been different if I'd paid more attention to my bike. This could be the start of something big for you.

    Good luck to you and your pal. You're going to be brilliant!

  • Wow Poppette well done :-) Looks like you were too busy making babies to ride bike previously :oops:
    You must be well organised to manage this. You only have to listen to the excuses on here why some people claim they have no time to train :D yet they still get time to post :D
    I think you have the bug not big time :D
    I also started 9 months ago and done several 100 mile sportives, 6 over 125 miles and raced both on road and track and just did London to Paris :D
    Rockon , where actually in UK are you?
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Oldwelshman, you surprise me. I always read your wise comments and think that you must have years of cycling under your belt.
    Well done to you too - you've done some big things in 9 months. London to Paris??? I'd thought about building up to that in a few years and you've done it already.
    BTW - did they people really drink those Gel-lookalikies?
  • popette wrote:
    Oldwelshman, you surprise me. I always read your wise comments and think that you must have years of cycling under your belt.
    Well done to you too - you've done some big things in 9 months. London to Paris??? I'd thought about building up to that in a few years and you've done it already.
    BTW - did they people really drink those Gel-lookalikies?

    Well I cheated a bit :D I raced for 2 years 23 years ago and started back in November after 23 years :D
    I played squash to a good level and carried fitness over so had a head start.
    I reckon it will take another year or two with winter base miles in to reach peak :D
    I coach squash also so the science and training principles are pretty much the same.
    Next year I plan to do about 4 hard sportives, two abroad and the rest races.
    I reckon I will see you in one of the sportives now you have done the +100 miler :D
  • Oh and yes, I was one of the dummies who tried the gel :D Lucky for me not enough to hospitalise me like 4 of the others.

    If you have done 100 miles you would do London to Paris easily.
    Take a look at some of the pics on the site below I created, every one of them completed it.