The first small jump

Posts: 133
Hey all, i am new to this forum
Well to start with i can ride a bike perfectly well and i enjoy little paths and tracks in the local woods, When i was going down a small narrow hill and i turned a blind corner and there was the first little jump i came across before. It had about 1ft high takeoff and about a 2ft gap so i didnt really want to try it
(even tho it was "tiny") If possible i would like some advice at what speed i should be going to clear something like that, If i should start on something like that for a first jump and advice on getting more confindence 
Thanks in advance 8)

Thanks in advance 8)
Do it if you dare
Leaping from the sky
Hurling through the air
Exhilarating high
See the earth below
Soon to make a crater
Leaping from the sky
Hurling through the air
Exhilarating high
See the earth below
Soon to make a crater
Try a tabletop first, and look where you want to land when you are in the air.0
I wouldn't start with gap jumps for one... if you miss judge it you may end up stacking, having said that at that height and distance It's not exactly Evil Knieval territory but admittedly it will certainly FEEL like it when you first start.
You're better off learning to jump on Tabletops... pretty much what you've just described there but with the gap filled in, that way there's no risk of hitting your front wheel on the back face of the landing ramp.
Once you get a feel for the speed and take off and landing techniques you can then start to think about increasing the size of the jump and then removing the section in between and doing your gaps...
What kind of bike your riding effects the launch too... if you've got any suspension you can pump it on the face of the ramp to increase your take off.
The jump you described should be ok to start with but be aware of going too slow and hitting the front of the landing ramp - that's your choice (and risk)
Don't forget a helmet - knee pads and shin guards are recommended too.
Finally, get this book, it's really well written and answers a lot of those how to questions...get on your bikes and ride!0 -
Thanks guys i will get that book you recomend. I am useing a full suspention bike that cost me £300 and its fairly heavy. I will take my mate over the woods and "atempt" to build some table topsDo it if you dare
Leaping from the sky
Hurling through the air
Exhilarating high
See the earth below
Soon to make a crater0 -
I only know of one table top made in the last few days in my local woods. Its narrow and about 3 Ft long and a 3-4Ft "plummet" off the other side heading towards another jump. i dont think i will go for this as i dont really want to try and then land short hitting my back wheel on the top sending me over and down a 3-4Ft drop :roll:Do it if you dare
Leaping from the sky
Hurling through the air
Exhilarating high
See the earth below
Soon to make a crater0 -
There are loads of beginners and advanced articles at Have faith in yourself and your bike is key. The mind is 90% here. Make sure you wear enough protection when starting out.
Here is the one on tabletops but on the site there is a really good video tutorial from bike skills so check out the site and do a search for tabletops:
Speed is key to taking off as is controlling and planning your landing. Wear as much armour as you have whilst learning. Crashing hurts.
1) Coast in a neutral position. Centre yourself over the bike, arms and legs slightly bent. Pedals level
2) Crouch down as you approach the jump. Bend your arms and legs to lower your torso
3) Your crouch should be at the lowest point when you reach the bottom of the face (front tyre just on it)
4) Begin to spring up as you go up the face
5) Push down with your arms and legs, pushing the bike into the face. For max lift straighten your arms and legs all the way as you reach the lip
6) As you leave the lip bend your arms and legs to let the bike rise up into your body
Land rear wheel first on the top of the table top but not too high or the front will slam down.
On a backside (As you advance) you should aim to have your front wheel touch down then the back wheel to land in the same place. (obviously not at the same time). ie. get your bike in the same angle as the slope by pushing your handlebars down accordingly.
Again wear as much armour as you have while learning. Crashing hurts. helping you find the trails you'll love0 -
nice link there dan... I'm gonna enjoy perusing that site... cheersget on your bikes and ride!0
Cheers for the links and book recommendation! I'm in the process of learning myself. Learning the hard way though as i attempted a downhill section in my local leadmines and landed 8 feet on my head! Luckily my helmet was well secured. Didn't hurt to be honest as it was broken by some bushes and undergrowth but i ended up at the docs the next day with a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder... but i can do the section now and make it to the bottom in on peice which is great.0
Thanks for the info and siteDo it if you dare
Leaping from the sky
Hurling through the air
Exhilarating high
See the earth below
Soon to make a crater0 -
Hey all, Just a small update.
Well i have been out today and i have been doing some small jumps over holes and things, one thing that seemed to be wrong is i kept landing hard on my front end, the forks seemed to be able to take it but i dont think i should expect them to for much longer. Im not sure if its just that the jump was crudley built or my technique is wrong. I did some good bunny hops tho, cleared a bmx lieing on its sideDo it if you dare
Leaping from the sky
Hurling through the air
Exhilarating high
See the earth below
Soon to make a crater0 -
if u can get your hands on one of these £20 kickers from argos then put a bunch of planks at the other side with no gap and just start trying to clear the planks. It gets your confidence up quick. I did this not long ago and now i'm jumping things about twice the height of those ramps0