someone mentioned shaving legs / lycra area, so a few Q's

Random Vince
Random Vince Posts: 11,374
edited August 2007 in The bottom bracket
1) how do you shave your butt?

2) why?
My signature was stolen by a moose

that will be all

trying to get GT James banned since tuesday


  • Massimo
    Massimo Posts: 318 don't
    Crash 'n Burn, Peel 'n Chew
    FCN: 2
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    AARGH that is random, vince.

    What is the obsession with shaving on this forum? Do you suddenly become gay when you ride a mountain bike and become obsessed with mens legs, crotches and arses??

    FFS give it a rest!!!
  • overmars
    overmars Posts: 430
    FFS give it a rest!!!

    No, no... give it a shave!
  • Uh-oh, sounds like big jan isn't too comfortable with their sexuality :lol:

    Also its a road forum!
    Sweat saves blood.
    Erwin Rommel
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    If someone's telling you to shave there, they're pulling your plonker! Speedo-line is perfectly acceptable and unless you're particularly hirsute, it's likely that this will coincide with the less-hairy bits anyway so you don't end up with a high-tide mark.

    Ulle - we've certainly touched a raw nerve there and perhaps you're denying your feminine side? If you think hairs sticking out of lycra shorts is a good look, go ahead. Oh, and unless you realised, this is the road section of the forum - perhaps you should stick to the hairy-legged MTB forum section?
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,079
    I think the point that Ulle is making is that Mtbers seem to be overly interested in the shaving aspect of roadie culture hence theres been a few threads recently talking about it. As it is its just one of the things that roadies do and doesn't really feel like a big deal so to get asked about it all the time is a bit irritating. Like people asking a why you wear lycra.... "I just do, its what cyclists do".

    Anyway...I don't actually shave my legs, mainly cus I can't be arsd with the hassle but I can understand why people do.
  • jonesy124
    jonesy124 Posts: 205
    try waxing beneath the speedo line - if you shave it will itch.

    Unless of course you are affraid of pain, then I suggest you avoid waxing all together
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I think the point that Ulle is making is that Mtbers seem to be overly interested in the shaving aspect of roadie culture hence theres been a few threads recently talking about it. As it is its just one of the things that roadies do and doesn't really feel like a big deal so to get asked about it all the time is a bit irritating. Like people asking a why you wear lycra.... "I just do, its what cyclists do".

    Thanks HM, that was exactly the point I was making :!:
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,079
    No problems Ulle....always did think the Kaiser was just misunderstood!
  • Random Vince
    Random Vince Posts: 11,374
    AARGH that is random, vince.

    What is the obsession with shaving on this forum? Do you suddenly become gay when you ride a mountain bike and become obsessed with mens legs, crotches and arses??

    FFS give it a rest!!!

    i only wondered about shaving due to road bikers talking about it

    i dont know any mountain bikers who shave their legs
    My signature was stolen by a moose

    that will be all

    trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,713
    i dont know any mountain bikers who shave their legs
  • Random Vince
    Random Vince Posts: 11,374
    ok, i dont know any normal mountain bikers who shave thier legs
    My signature was stolen by a moose

    that will be all

    trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,713
    Can't argue there.
  • overmars
    overmars Posts: 430
    whyamihere wrote:
    Can't argue there.


    I just read a letter off a mtb site. Broke my heart to read it. Truly it did...
    Hi Brad,

    So I'm wondering, what is the L&F position on Lycra shorts for casual riding? Yeah, I know for weightweenie racer types they are acceptable; But what about the rest of us L&F types? I catch a lot of grief from my buddies for wearing lycra shorts, but it's only because I cant find a decent set of baggies. My thinking is, if shaving is acceptable for the BMI challenged, then Lycra can't be far behind, (no pun intended) and gravity dropper seatposts are just poking above the horizon.

    Mind you, I'm not advocating the neon hey look-at-me-ride-my-bike-bright Lycra stuff, but the subdued, tastefully cut Lycra. And absolutely no pastels! Oh, and matching your riding apparel to bike color is right out!

    Thanks again,
    Clay from San Rafael

    I appreciate the question and have a solid answer: Wear Lycra, wear it loud and wear it proud.

    Viva Los Grandes!
    The Pres

    Seems ta me that there are some serious issuses afoot with our mtb sisters... er, I mean brothers. :D
  • ANDE.B
    ANDE.B Posts: 544
    I know several mtb'ers who shave... its just not as common practise among the knobbley-tired scene becease the percent of really serious crazy-obsessed mtb riders/racers is smaller than in road riding...
    and all the mtb magazines are so anti-lycra and anti-fitness...

    and as for WHY people shave... i've always thaught Matt Seaton was right when he said: people shave, just cause everyone else does it.....
    My Pinkbike Pics
    "Cycling is just like church - many attend, but few understand." Jim Burlant
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    I don't care what others do but I wouldn't shave my hairy legs for anyone. I can only just be bothered to shave my face. I also wear lycra on my Mountain Bike - shoot me now! Alot of people are evidently far too worried about what others think: you are going cycling not clubbing.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • Hudster
    Hudster Posts: 142
    I know plenty of mountain bikers that shave their legs. If anything, it makes even more sense to do it riding mountain bike as it makes it so much easier to clean your legs, plus you have far more cuts to clean mountain biking.

    I read in a magazine article that Steve Peat shaves his legs. If this got to be public knowledge then I'm sure most of the mountain bikers out buying 6"+ bikes to ride around easy trail centres will be getting busy with their Bics...
  • ANDE.B wrote:
    really serious crazy-obsessed mtb riders/racers
    The racers and their ilkies are goofing off, and naturally such goofing off leads to hair loss and other dissipations. Serious cyclists are the ones grocery shopping.
  • TheNomad
    TheNomad Posts: 45
    To answer the original question - Veet cream does the job fine.
  • feno46
    feno46 Posts: 66
    If you have a road bike and an MTB you could have one shaven leg and have one hairy one and have the best of both worlds. :lol::lol:
    Its how far !!