Ann Widdecombe on a mission

heavymental Posts: 2,095
edited August 2007 in The bottom bracket
Watched a bit of her program on ITV last night.....I'm ashamed to say. It was actually quite good. She was giving some folk who relied on benefits a hard time for not having jobs. it looked like she had a good case against the people I saw. Some obnoxious fella from Derby with over 10 kids and no job. She got him a job which he gave up after a week saying he had a long standing hand injury.

A couple of girls who were on the dole were found jobs and told they could earn £360 a week doing painting. I want in!


  • ivancarlos
    ivancarlos Posts: 1,034
    Some obnoxious fella from Derby with over 10 kids and no job. She got him a job which he gave up after a week saying he had a long standing hand injury.

    Probably because he stands to make more in benefits than doing a decent days work :x
    I have pain!
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Well...I think in his case he would of been better off by £80 a week or something but there were other cases where disability or some other benefit would mean they were better off and so it was better to stay in that situation. This Derby fella was a nasty guy though, dishing out lots of abuse. It was depressing to think what his 10 odd kids would grow up to be like.
  • cycologist
    cycologist Posts: 721
    Obnoxious fella from Derby.... Obnoxious Ann Widdecombe...I'm rather glad that I did'nt watch the sounds obnoxious.
    Two wheels good,four wheels bad
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095 didn't miss much. I had a pretty depressing night of TV last night. Watched England perform entirely predictably in the football then watched Ann Widdecombe and some scummer from Derby perform entirely predictably too.
  • schlepcycling
    schlepcycling Posts: 1,614
    Damn, I missed it I wanted to watch it after seeing the one she did on prostitution when she kept going up to prostitutes on the street and saying things like 'well why don't you just stop taking drugs and go out and get a proper job'......hilarious!. Is it repeated?
    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    It sounds like a similar approach. " Why don't you just go get a job" kind of thing. Obviously its not that simple in every case but in the bits I saw it seemed fair enough. If you need money and there's jobs about, just go earn it.

    I find myself having less and less patience with the terminally unemployed these days. Where's me Daily Mail?!
  • that bloke was an absolute ar*ehole. I'm normally quite a chilled out guy but was getting mad just watching it. Two wives, 17 kids and was getting £38 000 a year for sitting on his backside. Anne should have lamped him one :lol:
    Cycling - The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Ah yes....17 kids. I had a feeling it was 17 but thought I must be wrong!

    Didn't seem to be any mention of the fact that his family are taking up way more than their fair share of the worlds (material and financial) resources. Stories of families having a ridiculous number of children are always greeted with cheerful shaking of heads in the media. Surely we should all be outraged that they're adding way more than they should to the many woes of our overburdened planet. :roll:
  • I used to work with a bloke who used to say that if you were a second generation 'scratter' as he called them you should be steralized!
    Cycling - The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095 know, I looked at that guy and just thought, what the hell are those 17 kids going to grow up to be like!? Its like watching bacteria multiply in a petri dish!

    But speaking more generally, surely there's grounds for there to be a worldwide policy on the number of kids you can have!?
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    Stricter means testing is what we need - separate the good from the bad and cut benefits where necessary. Why should we allow such abuse of the system? I think we should get rid of the dole and bring back workhouses! Disability allowance is almost as bad - they need to tighten up. It won't be cheap or easy to do all this but it may help reverse the growth of the urban underclass. If the Tories were any good, they'd concentate on this instead of grammar schools & local hospitals. Tax cuts would be nice too.

    If you cut benefits the birthrate amongst dozzers like this guy will drop - you've got to take their incentive away rather than leaving it and trying to limit the number of kids (like in China).

    But surely Ann W. would be better raising and dealing with these issues in Parliament rather than on the streets and TV? Is she choosing celebrity over her political position and credibility?

    Anyway, it was good TV...heroes was good too.
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.
  • cycologist
    cycologist Posts: 721
    passout wrote:
    But surely Ann W. would be better raising and dealing with these issues in Parliament rather than on the streets and TV? Is she choosing celebrity over her political position and credibility?

    Here, Here ! !
    Two wheels good,four wheels bad
  • girofan
    girofan Posts: 137
    Couldn't agree more with most of the sentiments expressed, but, and I don't think I have got this wrong; European immigrants living in the UK can claim benefits from the DSS for their children although the children are still living in their home country! Heard it on the news the other night.
    Makes the bloke in Derby look like a grafter.:roll:
    I say what I like and I like what I say!
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    firstly she s not in Parliament any more is she?!

    secondly- what channel is it on...try n download their online service and watch it that way - 4 OD is partciularly good, the BBc stll have nt sorted theirs properly
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • passout
    passout Posts: 4,425
    ITV 1 Wednesday night
    'Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible' Marcel Proust.