leg cramps

Random Vince
Random Vince Posts: 11,374
edited August 2007 in The bottom bracket
not sure if this is the right place, but hey

i fell off the bike (right behind a BSM car which had already stopped) due to my left leg cramping up on me really quite badly, at about 7pm,

i managed to stretch it out, and was greatful of the driving instructor checking to see if i was ok, and walked, painfully to my friends house just 200 yards round the corner,

stayed there until it dropped dark and gently rode home (decided i ought to get home while it was still a bit light) but its now 1am and still hurting to the point of annoyance and discomfort

why did my leg cramp up and how can i prevent it happening / limit it happening?
My signature was stolen by a moose

that will be all

trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
