Whats the difference between WMB and MBUK?

ivancarlos Posts: 1,034
edited February 2009 in The Crudcatcher
I am a bit confused why there are two mtb mags from the same publisher? In what way do they differ and are they aimed at different target groups? (I used to buy mbr :twisted: )
I have pain!


  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    MBUK is more jump/freeride/dh based, WMB xc and trails. Saying that, MBUK covers it all and has an excellent results guide. I would say its aimed at the younger rider though.
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    MBUK average age 21 and earning £33K! :shock: I wish I was at that age.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    holy crap, I think I'm bringing down the average income of MBUK readers!
    Or probably cycling in general. 33k? I wish!

    Hang on, I've just been thinking. If the average income is 33K, and the average age is 21. I don't know of many 21 year olds that earn anywhere NEAR 33K.
    That means that either
    a) lots of people lied on whatever questionairre was handed out...
    b) there's a few INCREDIBLY well off people who read MBUK, and it's the rest us poor suckers that bring the average DOWN to 33K!
  • Sickbed
    Sickbed Posts: 73
    Could it be household income? Still alot for a 21yr old. But look at the Pro Cycling profile. £54000 apparently.You could live with your mum, pay for food and still get a nice new bike every week of the year.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I was wandering whether or not the pro cycling lot actually are pro cyclists.
    I suppose between sponshorship deals, dealing drugs :D and various other incomes, a pro road cyclist could earn a LOAD of money.
  • hmmm MBUK is more aimed to the youth coz of the design of the pages... Tats kinda y i love reading it.. It also gives advice on new bikes, parts and biking tips...
    + theres a free gift mate! DVDs,Tools, Socks ect... :lol:
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    I would have thought MBUK readership was 13-30 and WMB readership 25-45.

    I'm sure the average MBUK reader's wage is skewed upwards by a few city boys and its older readers though.
  • Who on earth:
    a) carried out these polls
    b) answered the questions sober
    c) compiled the results

    Where does someone like me fit in, cheap bike, and likes to flick through a Mountain Bike magazine now and again?

    As a new cyclist I personally find WMB a bit easier to understand than MBUK.
  • jayson
    jayson Posts: 4,606
    If you've started shaving then ur too old for MBUK, thats the difference.
  • jon 0.1
    jon 0.1 Posts: 48
    MBUK for the win! i think i bring down the average income alone tho without the influence of anyone else :P
  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    I'm 15 and I prefer WMB to MBUK. I like how more of it is directly bike related, rather than interviews with riders. I also like how WMB is aimed more towards XC/trail riding, which I am more into. I've not had many of each, but from those I've read I prefer WMB every time. I have just subscribed to MBR, but that was for the free £50 jacket rather than the quality of the mag!
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs
  • shin0r
    shin0r Posts: 555
    Once your balls drop you read WMB :wink:
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Most people are at Uni when they are 21! I know I was.

    Average wage £33k too?! I don't think so...!

    I subscribe to WMB but not MBUK but then I'm a 33 year old git on a zillion quid a year... :wink::o:lol:
  • MBUK is aimed at a younger audience and covers slightly more, WMB is aimed at a more mature audience and is more focused on cross countr/ trail riding.
  • Rich9
    Rich9 Posts: 1,635
    I used to read MBUK regularly, back in the day. Since i've got back into bikes i bought a copy to have a flick through. Couldnt tell if the mag had changed or if it was me that had got a whole lot older...... Unfortunatley.... the latter i feel. Havent read WMB, but might pick up the next issue.
    2014 Whyte T-129S
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    MBUK too young for me, I can't be bothered with it!
    WMB for people who get more from the text than the pics! :wink:

    Now, if you asked what the difference was between WMB and MBR, then I'd be stuck....
    They feature the same write ups practically every issue!! :evil:
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    But WMB does them in a much better way :wink:
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs
  • KonaKurt
    KonaKurt Posts: 720
    Personally, I prefer WMB because alot of the content is more useful to the average MTB rider, and more practical.I also actually think that it's WMB that has the best photography too. With that said, MBUK is good fun to read for the main features, and to learn what exactly the latest buzz and adventures, the rich and the young are getting up to.

    btw, I just asked MBUK if we can have a Mint Sauce adventure featuring Boris Johnson and a flock of aggrovated sheep. I'll pay £3.99 to see that!

  • Most places i buy mine from (read supermarkets, i'm lazy and we haven't got a good newsagents in town anymore) only have MBUK or MBR to choose from on the mountain biking front. I'll pick up whichever looks most useful though, in tests or whatever for the month
    Start Weight 18st 13lbs March 2009
    17st 10lbs August 2009
    17st 4lbs October 2009
    15st 12lbs December 2010

    Final planned weight 12st 7lbs
  • i've tried WMB but its too serious for me. i enjoy the more laid back attitude of MBUK.
  • -liam-
    -liam- Posts: 1,831
    I prefer WMB but.....

    Why does MBUK get free gifts and WMB doesn't ?!!

    Lets have a little parity here please, especially considering that all these 21 year olds on 33k a year are highly unlikely to appreciate the free stuff as much as a father of 3 without 2 pennies to rub together :D
  • ADJD
    ADJD Posts: 47
    i actually find mbuk seems to be aimed at younger riders(i'm 36)but it is pretty good alll the same. I usually buy all the mountain biking mags every month anyway so it doesn't matter to me either way. The best by far has to be Singletrack...... sorry!!!!!! Mint Sauce is the best part of mbuk by a country mile, Awesome........ :lol:
    Orange G3
  • streako
    streako Posts: 2,937
    I have stopped buying WMB, because they always seem to refer to articles in MBUK for further information. It seems to be contradictory to have testers working fro both mags too.

    I would buy both magazines if I could afford it, but 8 pounds a month is too much.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    If they just reviewed the same stuff though, that would be even more pointless lol.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    What is that Mint Sauce sh1t about in MBUK? Surely noone actually reads that and laughs, the person can draw a bit but big deal, its a bike mag not a comic isn't it? I think MBUK tries to target a specific kind of mtb culture, and probably does it well but at the expense of seeming a bit childish to a lot of others.

    Shame really, cos I think they make the assumption that all downhillers and freeriders aspire to 'dress like a prize tit and like the same things' when they could be focusing on the bikes and the skills in my opinion. If youre into the knarly disciplines then have you automatically got to like skulls, bandanas, jeans that hang off your ass and big white rimmed shades to be any good?

    Perhaps they want it to be some kind of lifestyle magazine. Still, their reviews and so on are very professionally done so there's good stuff in there but seeing as it covers lots of disciplines then a lot of people are only going to find half the magazine of interest. I just consider it being twice the price for what you get but I'll still buy it if there's something in it I want to read.
  • lm_trek
    lm_trek Posts: 1,470
    Ive found im buying less WMB just lately in fact haven't brought a copy since september this is due to the writing in MBUK has been so much better when they revamped the mag a while ago it seems and feels like they have gone back to there roots. When i was younger i would get MBUK every month and the current style of the mag reminds me of those days, plus the free socks helped!

    On the other hand i subscribe to MBR and prefer that over all the mags - sorry guys!! but its just more precise and has more pages for technical help and the pull out maps is a big plus!
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    mfin wrote:
    What is that Mint Sauce sh1t about in MBUK? Surely noone actually reads that and laughs, the person can draw a bit but big deal, its a bike mag not a comic isn't it? I think MBUK tries to target a specific kind of mtb culture, and probably does it well but at the expense of seeming a bit childish to a lot of others.

    Blasphemy, that's the best bit. Take this man to the ejection chute pronto!
  • Jimbob_no5
    Jimbob_no5 Posts: 1,568
    Toasty wrote:
    mfin wrote:
    What is that Mint Sauce sh1t about in MBUK? Surely noone actually reads that and laughs, the person can draw a bit but big deal, its a bike mag not a comic isn't it? I think MBUK tries to target a specific kind of mtb culture, and probably does it well but at the expense of seeming a bit childish to a lot of others.

    Blasphemy, that's the best bit. Take this man to the ejection chute pronto!

    :shock: how very dare you :!:

    I believe in only 2 things in life.
    1) Drink is not my friend
    2) D-Locking cnuts ;)