Resting too much on my training runs, but helpless to stop i

sonicred007 Posts: 1,091
edited August 2007 in Road beginners
Although I've been cycling for 2 years, I still have plenty of newbie shackles to break off.

I'd like some tips on the psychology of keeping the cadence up.... I'm finding it too easy when I'm out on a 50 mile loop to lose momentum, but then I'll regain my composure and pick up the pace again

Admittedly, I've missed most of the spring in terms of base fitness, and now I am trying desperately to get some durability to my training runs for a couple of autumn sportives

Any thoughts on greater consistency to my pedalling?


  • Cant beat a training partner.
  • sonicred007
    sonicred007 Posts: 1,091
    I must admit, it's my third training run - other than that I'm commuting 15 miles work - and I just got frustrated and impatient today when I got really pooped three or four times during a 3 and half hour ride.

    I'm looking to join a local club for winter discipline

    If I can't get a riding partner, any lone riding tips to keep the energy levels up
  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    Cycling briskish for 3 hours + and wanting to keep pace up means food is probably needed, easy to digest, sugary food (fruit included here!) - but don't go overboard !!!
    Also split ride into definable bits by time or objective - eg don't stop till you've ridden an hour, until you reach the church etc...
    And try not to try TOO hard... gathering pools of pain in your legs is not a good incentive for them to want to keep working... back off a bit before hand!!
  • sonicred007
    sonicred007 Posts: 1,091
    Cycling briskish for 3 hours + and wanting to keep pace up means food is probably needed, easy to digest, sugary food (fruit included here!) - but don't go overboard !!!
    Also split ride into definable bits by time or objective - eg don't stop till you've ridden an hour, until you reach the church etc...
    And try not to try TOO hard... gathering pools of pain in your legs is not a good incentive for them to want to keep working... back off a bit before hand!!
    Had a pasta bake the night before

    I had my breakfast before setting off - a banana and some oat based cold cereal

    Took a couple of bananas and a flapjack too

    Two bottle 750ml (500ml of lucozade sport and diluted by 250ml of water)
  • Garybee
    Garybee Posts: 815
    3+ hours is a long time to be riding hard. I tend to ride 1 hour at max effort if i'm on my own. If i'm on a club run and the faster riders split off from the main group for a while i'll still only work hard on the front for about an hour. After that we'll join back up with the rest of the group and go steady again.

    Hypocrisy is only a bad thing in other people.
  • sonicred007
    sonicred007 Posts: 1,091
    Garybee wrote:
    3+ hours is a long time to be riding hard. I tend to ride 1 hour at max effort if i'm on my own. If i'm on a club run and the faster riders split off from the main group for a while i'll still only work hard on the front for about an hour. After that we'll join back up with the rest of the group and go steady again.
    i guess I'm expecting too much of myself.... I bet I probably only did 90 mins max effort and the rest was a combination of steady riding and recuperating. A good training run then?
  • hambones
    hambones Posts: 407
    Returning to a thread from months back - are you thinking of joining Two Wheels Good? I too am missing a regular ride buddy (long term illness has scuppered his riding), so I venture out around Epping, Toot Hill, Matching Green etc all on my todd. Would be very keen to ride with someone to keep the motivation high. I ride most Sundays with Whitewebbs CC but want a Saturday morning ride and at least one midweek one....
    Still breathing.....
  • PhilofCas
    PhilofCas Posts: 1,153
    15 mile communtes then on your third training run you do a 3 1/2 hr ride with the first 90 mins at max effort, if you keep repeating that you'll be v v fit , it just sounds to me that you're trying too much too soon, get some shorter distance in, under 30 say, do loads of these, when you can do a 30 and not feel tired at all, then look to move up distances.

    The point at which i consider myself doing well fitness wise is when i can knock a 30 out and feel fresh at the end.