Can See Your Arse Mate Can See Your Arse.

daowned Posts: 414
edited August 2007 in Road beginners
I got this shouted at me a few weeks ago from a guy in a car at first I thought he must like guys or something and thought nothing of it.

The next time I was getting my kit on at the weekend I had a look in the mirror and bent over only to see you could in fact see my rear end, it was on show to the rest of the world for probably months, so to the guy in the car thx :D

I have seen this myself a while ago I was stuck behind a guy going up a hill (bealach-na-ba) that had his rear on show and no matter how much I overtook him he always got back in front of me and another time a club rider over took me about 2 months ago and stuck in front of me with WHITE shorts I mean cmon.

The main worry about this is that the shorts are only 5 months old and they have covered less than 3000 miles they cost £65 and are Assos so much for that make, after a week some of the stitching was gone and then in 2 months some bobbles ! Don't think they will be on my shopping list again they are F1 Uno btw.

Anyway I got a patch made from a pair of lyrca pants just to cover the rear on the inside of the shorts which are still good for a long time as most of us haven't got £65 to throw about at will.

So abit of advice watch you shorts for fading in areas were you don't want it to fade. :lol: