How do i get into Time Trialling?

Richie G
Richie G Posts: 283
edited September 2007 in Road beginners
Hoping you guys can help me out! Have been riding daily for the last 18 months now and got my first road bike at last christmas. Now i'm doing plenty of miles (and loving it!), but feel i need some goals to help me keep improving. I fancy doing TT's but am finding it a diifficult world to get info on! I've tried a local club that i've been out on couple of club runs with but it seems their events are for members only. I do intend to join a club, but want to do a couple of events first to see if it's for me. Are there open events that beginners can try? I live near Leicester.



  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Hi Rich, Glad to hear you want to get into time-trialling. It's not a difficult branch of cycle sport to get into, except that really the only route into it is through a club. The rules of the national governing body state that all entrants to open time-trials must be a member of an affiliated club - so that's simply the end of the matter for open events. However, different clubs have different attitudes towards newcomers - some will let you try a few club events without being a member to see if you enjoy it. You may have struck unlucky with a club which won't let you ride, even if you've been on some clubruns and are thinking of joining up.

    There are a few well-established time-trialling clubs in and around Leicester - which one have you ridden with? Maybe it'd be worth trying a different one? The Leicester RC, the Leicester Forest CC, the Ratae RC and the Coalville Wheelers all come to mind.

    TBH I'd very strongly advise joining a club anyway. There is an awful lot about road cycling to be gleaned from experienced riders and IMO the benefits massively outweigh the small membership cost of most cycling clubs.

    I've raced on courses near Leicester and could tell you when the races are, and how to enter, but that's not much use to you until you're a member of a club!

  • blackhands
    blackhands Posts: 950
    BeaconRuth wrote:
    Hi Rich, Glad to hear you want to get into time-trialling. It's not a difficult branch of cycle sport to get into, except that really the only route into it is through a club. The rules of the national governing body state that all entrants to open time-trials must be a member of an affiliated club - so that's simply the end of the matter for open events. However, different clubs have different attitudes towards newcomers - some will let you try a few club events without being a member to see if you enjoy it. You may have struck unlucky with a club which won't let you ride, even if you've been on some clubruns and are thinking of joining up.

    There are a few well-established time-trialling clubs in and around Leicester - which one have you ridden with? Maybe it'd be worth trying a different one? The Leicester RC, the Leicester Forest CC, the Ratae RC and the Coalville Wheelers all come to mind.

    TBH I'd very strongly advise joining a club anyway. There is an awful lot about road cycling to be gleaned from experienced riders and IMO the benefits massively outweigh the small membership cost of most cycling clubs.

    I've raced on courses near Leicester and could tell you when the races are, and how to enter, but that's not much use to you until you're a member of a club!


    You do need to be a member of an affiliated Club even if you want to ride Club time trials unless the TT is designated as a 'come and try' event - this is for insurance purposes. Whilst many clubs designate all Clubs as Come and Try - this is by no means universal. So Ruth's advice to join a club is even more importan t- but hurry as most Club TTs are evening events and will be finished in the next couple of week until next year.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    blackhands wrote:
    You do need to be a member of an affiliated Club even if you want to ride Club time trials unless the TT is designated as a 'come and try' event - this is for insurance purposes. Whilst many clubs designate all Clubs as Come and Try - this is by no means universal. So Ruth's advice to join a club is even more importan t- but hurry as most Club TTs are evening events and will be finished in the next couple of week until next year.
    I know you're technically right, Blackhands, but some clubs provide temporary club membership for the evening. Also, the rules state that guests of club members can ride club events, so all it takes is for any newcomers to be considered guests.

    I'm not arguing with the urgency to join a club though! :wink:

  • our club have "come and try it" events before you have to join. but it's end of season for the evning club 10's now, which may be the same for a lot of clubs.
  • Simon Notley
    Simon Notley Posts: 1,263
    I think under current CTT rules... you can nominate any event as a come and try it event for an individual. It doesn't have to be a single event nominated by the club these days... I could be wrong though.

    Just find out about the local clubs and where they ride and turn up and say hello! Time trialling is very easy to get into!
  • I thought the come and try but you need to be a member was simply overcome by charging a fee (£1.50 or similar) which makes you a temporary member (and are therefore insured).

    You can find a club near you with the Britich Cycling site ... Finder.asp

    Edit: there also might be some club info on the CTT site:
  • this is what our club website says on the subject
    "The weekly evening 10 mile time trial series is held on Thursday nights from the beginning of May until mid August. Anyone over 12 years of age may ride these events. Riders who are not members of a Cycling Time Trials affiliated club may ride up to three times under the "Come and Try it" scheme. "
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Thanks for the replies guys! Looks like i'm gonna have to bite the bullet and join a club! I realise it's getting a bit late in the season- i play cricket, so have put it off these last couple of months. To be honest after cricketing for last ten years i'm starting to feel like i'm going through the motions- think i need a new challenge. Have been out with Leicester RC - found them very helpful, think i just need to give it a go! A bit daunted that i 'll be surrounded by TT bikes and skinsuits- i'll be on my trusty Allez (i will take the lock off!). Are there any events in the next few weeks? Wonder if it might be worth me seeing what goes on before entering myself. Sorry to go on- just like to know what to expect!
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    A bit daunted that i 'll be surrounded by TT bikes and skinsuits- i'll be on my trusty Allez (i will take the lock off!). Are there any events in the next few weeks? Wonder if it might be worth me seeing what goes on before entering myself. Sorry to go on- just like to know what to expect!
    Don't be daunted about not having TT-specific kit or a skinsuit. Nobody expects someone doing their first ever TTs to appear with posh kit and all the gear! Everyone has to try it out and see if they enjoy it - and it's expected that you'll do that on whatever bike you have. Don't worry about it - nobody will think it odd or laugh, they'll just be glad you're having a go. One of the nice things about TT-ing is that you don't have to get all the equipment at once - you can buy bits and pieces as you improve or get more experienced and justify the expense to yourself. Honestly, we had a young girl come and ride on an MTB with suspension the other week - but she rode her hardest and that was great!

    If you join the Leics RC, they'll be able to tell you what races are going on locally - just find the guys (or gals) who do TTs and ask them. You are in the Central District of the Cycling Time Trials, so events close to you will be on courses which begin with an 'A.' For example, the A10/1 is a 10mile course on the A46 north of Leicester from Six Hills to Widermerpool and back. Have a look here under 'Events' and 'Central District' : . For example, the Ratae RC have a 25mile TT on 22nd Sept on the A25/20 - not sure where that course is but someone in your new club will know.

  • Richie G wrote:
    ! A bit daunted that i 'll be surrounded by TT bikes and skinsuits- i'll be on my trusty Allez (i will take the lock off!). !

    What Ruth said.
    I dont intend to buy a TT bike until 2009, which will be my third season of racing. Until then its a conventional road bike with cheapo clip on bars, set to the lowest position on the stem, raise the saddle by a 5-10mm or so and it'll do for me until I can get a sub hour 25 / within a minute or two of 2 hrs on a 50. No one would snigger at those times especially if you ride it on a non TT bike! The when you do get the skinsuit and matching deep section carbon aero wheels you will knock off masses of time (so I have been reliably informed anyway.. :wink: )
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Thanks for the help guys! The CTT link was very helpful. I've e-mailed Leicester Forest CC and will try and get to Leicester RC club night next week. Caught myself trying to stay as low as possible on the drops on the way home last night- hopefully will get to put it into practice soon!

    Many thanks,
  • Ashley_R
    Ashley_R Posts: 408
    I ride TT's on the Six Hills course on Tuesdays, unfortunately next week is the last of the season

    Theres a real mix of riders/abilities/bikes there so don't be put off by that thought, just get your first one done and you'll be addicted! Getting use to cycling flat out on a main dual carridgeway with cars hurtling past you is the hardest part!

    I did my first last year, now even gone to the extent of buying a specific TT bike, no real need to, just enjoy whatever you ride

    I also do a course on Weds evenings at West Leake/Sutton Bonnington, might be better for beginners as on country lanes, all very friendly and informal, another 2 weeks left for that one
    You can lead an elephant to water but a pencil must be lead
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Not too worried about traffic- ride the ring road to work everyday! I thought i was leaving it a bit late in the season- have been trying to put myself off til next year but the compulsion's got too great! Are you attached to a club? Do you think there's any chance of me riding in the last couple of TT's?
  • Ashley_R
    Ashley_R Posts: 408
    Next tues is the last of the year at Six Hills, more than welcome to come along, meet in Durham Ox car park just before 7, just watch out for the 100's of motorcyclists that meet there that evening as well!

    The course is straight up the A46 to the Melton turn for the A606, up the slip road, round the roundabout and back down the A46, gtreat outward run if the winds in the right direction! :P
    You can lead an elephant to water but a pencil must be lead
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    That sounds great ! Am I ok to just turn up on the day? If so, who am I looking for? You can't miss me, I'm a long haired gingery bloke with a beard!


  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Bumping this up to check everything's still ok for Tuesday!
  • Another less obvious advantage of club membership is that most LSs give you a 10% discount if you show a club membership card - pays for itself in no time. Don't worry about your time or bike - in my experience a tt can, like todays 15.5 , have Richard Bradley winning, and on the other hand have guys on old road bikes with toe clips riding- no - one bothers it's all you versus the clock. Good luck. Cuppa-1.gif
    I must say goodbye to the blindfold
    And pursue the ideal
    The planet becoming the hostess
    Instead of the meal
    Roy Harper - 'Burn the World'
  • Another club not to far away from you is Hincley CRC, i joined not long ago and did my first 10. you can do a couple of runs as a guest befor joining, but then you need to join at a cost of about £12 a year. its £1 to ride and you get near 50 riders most weeks. you do have to buy a club jersey to ride once you join. it great fun. check out the club site, just search Hinckley crc.
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Not looking good for tonight! :evil: I think the freewheels broken (not really sure though). Hoping my LBS can play a blinder and get it sorted for tonight! Ended up stranded in the middle of nowhere with a bike i couldn't even limp home on! Not had the greatest preparation- only just getting over a chest infection, so not feeling very confident! OK- rant over (just needed a moan!)

  • Noticed that Coalville wheelers was mentioned in this post... anyone reading this happen to be a member? I live in coalville and want to join club, however have not found a contact yet.