First sub30 min 10 miler - well chuffed!

sbullett Posts: 139
edited August 2007 in Road beginners
:D Just managed a sub-30 min 10 miler for the first time....29:57!!! Not bad for a 16-stone 38 year old on his first road bike for 25 years :D

Nice little route on the A62 west of Huddersfield, nearest thing to a flat road in these parts, although a little busy at 1700 and had to stop at a couple of traffic lights, so it could have bene even quicker :wink:

Now to find a friendly local club and have a go at a proper TT.....


  • basha
    basha Posts: 13
    Not Bad at all,
    I am 46 years old and just back on a road bike after a 25 year lay off.
    Youv'e certanly got the pace, now you need to find some good routes with some good climbs, last one i done was 55 miles climbing 300metres that was tough, but what a sense of achievement

    Whooopee Doooo
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    Well done

    Now go out and find a club!! before the feeling wears off.

    But most clubs at the local level will let you do a couple of TT's as a guest rider.

  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    i see you cross posted this with another forum!

    definitely worth it for the extra compliments...

    well don!
  • philak
    philak Posts: 144

    Just did my first 10 tonight after 28 years off. I'm 46 and i felt it at the finish,especially since i missed the 30 by 22 seconds grrrrrr.

    Of course there was a headwind all the way round and most of it was uphill and.......
  • sbullett
    sbullett Posts: 139
    basha wrote:
    Not Bad at all,
    I am 46 years old and just back on a road bike after a 25 year lay off.
    Youv'e certanly got the pace, now you need to find some good routes with some good climbs, last one i done was 55 miles climbing 300metres that was tough, but what a sense of achievement

    Whooopee Doooo

    Hills are not a problem round here, my route tonight climbed 250m in 10 miles, but as it was a circuit at least I came down the same 250m :D
  • Good work, well done fella.
  • Mossrider
    Mossrider Posts: 226

    I TT occasionally up at the Sovereign on a Wednesday night with Holme Valley Wheelers. It's best described as a "rolling" course with a couple of decent hills either way (through Ingbirchworth and turn back at the roundabout above Penistone). As someone saidd "this'll train you for anything!" They finish at the end of August.

    Beginners are welcome though they may wish you to be in a club - a couple of the main local ones attached (or blag your way through). It's pretty informal - just turn up.

    Local club links are
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    Well done that man! I haven't managed it yet but have got a few sessions on the turbo trainer arranged while my elbow heals up so I might see how close I can get in near ideal cycling conditions (i.e. no possibility of headwind because turbo trainer is situated in garden shed).

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • well done :D
    keep it up, it's adictive :twisted:
    I was targeting my 27.12 and smashed it by over 2 mins and immediately went from elation to frustration. I missed out on a 24 min by 5 secs :?

    you can never go fast enough

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • sbullett
    sbullett Posts: 139
    Mossrider wrote:

    I TT occasionally up at the Sovereign on a Wednesday night with Holme Valley Wheelers. It's best described as a "rolling" course with a couple of decent hills either way (through Ingbirchworth and turn back at the roundabout above Penistone). As someone saidd "this'll train you for anything!" They finish at the end of August.

    Beginners are welcome though they may wish you to be in a club - a couple of the main local ones attached (or blag your way through). It's pretty informal - just turn up.

    Local club links are

    Cheers Mossrider, I know the road as I drive it on the way to Sheffield station a couple of times a week and that climb out of Ingbirchworth doesn't look nice on the way back :cry: - think I might try it "unofficially" first to see if I get anywhere near the times the club put on their website.....
  • sbullett
    sbullett Posts: 139
    well done :D
    keep it up, it's adictive :twisted:
    I was targeting my 27.12 and smashed it by over 2 mins and immediately went from elation to frustration. I missed out on a 24 min by 5 secs :?

    you can never go fast enough

    You're not wrong, I've got the bug now, knocked 3 minutes off my hilly commute to Leeds this morning, first time under 1 hour for the 17.7 miles :lol:

    I do like these road bikes - what on earth made me buy a MTB all those years ago :wink:
  • Mossrider
    Mossrider Posts: 226
    Cheers Mossrider, I know the road as I drive it on the way to Sheffield station a couple of times a week and that climb out of Ingbirchworth doesn't look nice on the way back :cry: - think I might try it "unofficially" first to see if I get anywhere near the times the club put on their website.....[/quote]

    The start line is a little red line on the kerb a couple of hundred yards up from the Sovereign junction. I should just turn up;no-one will be anything but complimentary that you made the effort and then you also get a base line for the next week (and there is nothing like fear of the next rider passing you or the clock to encourage you to put that bit of effort in that you didn't know you had). Remember on a TT you are only racing against yourself! Also, some of these guys are pretty keen and have specialist bikes / bars etc that knock quite a bit of time off mere mortals like me (I did my last on a compact so there - although on this course, its perhaps not such a disadvantage!) THe climb on the coourse is about 550 feet according to bikely (not sure how reliable that is).