This makes me laugh every time I look at it

lardarse rider
lardarse rider Posts: 1,447
edited August 2007 in The bottom bracket ... n%26sa%3DG[/url]

Sorry, don't know how to insert web thingies.

I\'m pushing the pedals on my season cycle


  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Pah...I dunno how to insert images either.
  • JustRidecp
    JustRidecp Posts: 302

    If you quote my post you'll see how I've done it.

    Its like posting a link - right click on image>properties>get the address. Paste it in the message, highlight, click Img.


    Hope this helps
    Real Ultimate Power

    "If I weren't a professional cyclist, I'd be a porn star" - Super Mario
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    Good play on perspective

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • I had to look at it a couple of times before I realised what was going on. In these times of CGI, it is a pleasant change to see some good old fashioned special effects :)

    I\'m pushing the pedals on my season cycle
  • L60N
    L60N Posts: 223
    I had to look at it a couple of times before I realised what was going on. In these times of CGI, it is a pleasant change to see some good old fashioned special effects

    Erm, I think you'll find this image uses cutting edge technology. The Squirrel posed on a blue screen for the picture, and the Gentlemen were then superimposed on top. :lol:
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    And there was me thinking it was road kill and two dolls
    I am so easily confused.

    cutting edge, blue screen, superimposed

    bl00dy amazing stuff

    So that's how they did Star Wars :idea: :idea:

  • L60N
    L60N Posts: 223
    And there was me thinking it was road kill and two dolls

    Somebody was stood under my humour as it flew right over the top :roll: LMAO
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857