ASSOS Chamois Crème vs Sudocrem

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Can I get away with using Sudocrem at £7.50 for a huge tub or do I need to pay ap remium for ASSOS Chamois Crème
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Happy to learn more
Depends how rich you are!
Personally I use Sudocream if I actually have a sore bit and ASSOS Chamois cream to prevent it. I was using another make of chamois cream for a while and had more sore bits than with the ASSOS. As far as I'm concerned ASSOS is the best and I very rarely get sore bits if I remember to use it.
I have both in the house anyway as the Sudocream is used on the kids and is just very handy to have around for everyone.Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way {Dr Seus}0 -
I have been using both - assos on my shorts when i ride then sudocrem after i've showered for about 6 week. i find that sudocrem doesn't give the lubricating effect that the assos does so it isn't as comfortable or effective. Assos is too bloody expensive though as i find you really have to slap it on for it to be really effective.
An alternative, that has been suggested by other posters, is a cream with castor oil and zinc (don't remember the name) also available from boots, on the same shelf as sudocrem, which is meant to have some lubricating qualities and is what i'm going to try when the assos runs out.pm0 -
Hi “chaps” over the years I’ve used everything from vaso’ to Sudacream and yes they do work to a certain extent. BUT ever sins I bought my new bike I have had no problems at all infact my misses had thrown out the tube of sudacream because I haven’t used it for so long. The other thing I’ve noticed is that pair of bib shorts I bought with quit a bit of padding in was contributing to the sore’s. The bike I bought was a Specialised with a specialised gel saddle. :oops: 8)Still going at fifty!But for how mutch longer0
As you should be able to tell from the previous posts, actually chamois cream and Sudocream do completely different jobs.
Chamois cream is for lubricating your shorts/crotch interface to prevent sores and other discomfort.
Sudocream is a healing cream containing zinc oxide which is used for treating sores, boils, rashes etc.
If you want an alternative to chamois cream, buy emulsifying ointment. You can get huge tubs of generic ointment from chemists for very little money. Think grease for your skin. In other words, you don't want a moisturising cream which rubs in to your skin and disappears, you want a greasy substance which will stay greasy on the surface of your skin throughout your ride.0 -
This Udderly Smooth stuff got a good write up in Cycling Weekly a few weeks ago, although it is strictly a moisturising cream it can be used as a chamois cream. I've never used it so can't tell you if it's any good, personally I use Assos chamois cream I know it's expensive but it's the best I've found for both shorts and 'me'.'Hello to Jason Isaacs'0 -
I used to rely on Sudocreme until I bit the bullet one day and did a 200km ride without it. Not a problem.
Just make sure you shower and clean down there as close to the start of the ride as possible. And shower and clean down there as soon afterwards as you can.--
If I had a baby elephant signature, I\'d use that.0 -
Personally I have tried nappy cream (a cheaper alternative to sudocream at Tesco), Assos chamois cream, vaseline, vaseline and antiseptic cream, tea tree oil cream. Changing saddles also helped. I find the nappy cream and Assos equally good and the other stuff works too. What I do now is:
Sudocream as chamois cream and also after a shower (using it after getting clean again has pretty much eliminated my saddle sore issues).
Sometimes I use the Assos as I have a tub left.
Vaseline in addition to the above if I am doing a really long ride and particularly on a hot day (some people reckon that it blocks pores and causes saddle sores, but I read an article a while a go by a dermatologist who reckoned that this wasn't the case and it does work for me).
tea tree oil cream is great for getting rid of a persistent saddle sore!0 -
I should have mentioned that I can't ride without some type of antibacterial cream without getting a saddle sore. Don't know why, but it is the antibacterial/fungal properties that prevent my saddle sores, not the lubrication.0
I wonder if some really slippy anal lube would work.... only one way to find out!0
hmm its the bacteria/fungus/virus etc that cause saddle sores, that breed in the sweat, so anything thats antiseptic will work, savlon being my oersonal favourite if all hell has broken loose
but having a shower is the best way really, the worst itch on the bike can be sorted by a shower (and some of that mint shower gel, but thats just me) but even an itch free crotch can be turned into a festering ouch fest after a long drive home etc etc
my personal worst being finishing Penmachno trail in wales and driving 3-4 hours back to lincoln, got out at sheffield and literally could nt walkWe're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
- @ddraver0 -
Have to agree that its the dried sweat/bugs that cause the problems for me. Haven't had any problems for a few months, but on Sunday did a hot sweaty 25 mile and couldn't shower for two hours afterwards - result - sore spot again! I use Quinoderm (acne) cream - it might be a bit fierce if your skin is delicate or inflamed (and it takes the colour out of your knickers 'cos it's also a bleach!) but it does the job for me. Otherwise sudocrem, savlon etc as above. Also second the use of plain Vaseline (or white soft paraffin if you fancy the cheap and cheerful hughe tub option) for general lubricationIf you haven't got a headwind you're not trying hard enough0
Boots zinc and castor oil cream from the baby section - about £3 a big tub abd sometimes in the 3 for 2 deals or similar.
This gives good lubrication and the cost doesn't make you want to scimp on how much you use.Hevipedal
It's not only people that are irrational; 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210 -
If you've got a fungal infection an antibacterial cream will make it worse. Often it's fungal infections which thrive in hot sweaty places rather than bacteria. Greasy barrier creams like vaseline will trap the sweat aganst your skin making this much more likely. Try using an antifungal athletes foot cream if you have a persistent itch. Some of them mention 'jock itch' on the packaging, but it doesnt matter which one you use, they are all basically the same.0
the udderly smooth cream does work, loads of guys in our club use it and it's just been recommended in CW. They have a specific chamois cream out, not sure if you can get it online yet but have a look at http://www.udderly-smooth.comGet your free Cycling Magazine - \'The Sprocket\' from http://www.highwycombecc.org0
I use the Udderly Smooth cream occasionally - not every ride. It's like a magic cream for any dry/sore skin post ride though - whether on your bum or on your wind/sun burnt face! It literally heals it up over night. Don't be put off by the fact that it talks about lactating cows and mastitis on the tub... I think dairy cows use it too! I tried assos cream but it has some kind of atringent in it - menthol or something, which is not good if you're female - it spreads from the bottom area and burns ones more sensitive areas like deep heat cream, so unless you actually enjoy that sort of thing :twisted: I really can't reccommend it!
I've just checked that link above and that quote on the Udderly Smooth website is from my partner!0 -
Assos for longer rides - say 60 plus miles - I just love that tingle!
Nothing for shorter rides.
Sudo if I have any post ride problems
I've tried Elite Ozone and I like it in the winter as it absorbs into the skin more than Assos, which can get a bit cold cos it sits on the surface more. Not really worth the extra dosh though IMHO.
Fresh pair of shorts every time....there are some who don't! :shock:
No kecks on underneath...there are some who do! :shock:
Shower as soon as poss after you are done...there are some who don't! :shock:0 -
What do folks think about where to apply Assos cream?
Initially i tried to smear it onto the pad itself BUT found this messy and quite wasteful compared with applying it to my nether regions.
So now for rides of 60k or above I liberally rub the stuff over the body parts in contact with the pad. The tingle effect loved by some seems to decrease with each subsequent application.0 -
Where to apply it? I think Tim Moore captures this very well in his book "French Revolutions".....
...."need to apply it every morning to anywhere that's in contact with the saddle. Do you know where your perineum is?" he paused, perhaps sensing that the conversation had moved into unacceptable territory. But perhaps not. "Smear it all over your arse and bollocks, basically"0 -
Coyote wrote:Assos for longer rides - say 60 plus miles - I just love that tingle!
Nothing for shorter rides.
Sudo if I have any post ride problems
I've tried Elite Ozone and I like it in the winter as it absorbs into the skin more than Assos, which can get a bit cold cos it sits on the surface more. Not really worth the extra dosh though IMHO.
Fresh pair of shorts every time....there are some who don't! :shock:
No kecks on underneath...there are some who do! :shock:
Shower as soon as poss after you are done...there are some who don't! :shock:
Good advice here, except that bit about the tingle-hence reluctance to use Assos here. I go for Boots own brand Antiseptic Cream-very cheap indeed and very effective. If abroad, you can easily locate similar if you run out“It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway0 -
Since synthetic chamois came along - I've never needed any creams with shorts/longs.
Be a devil and try it once ?0