Decent Trackpump & should I buy another helmet?!

daniel_b Posts: 11,870
edited August 2007 in Road beginners

I currently have a £14.99 trackpump I bought from Argos, seems to do the trick, but due to a work relocation it is currently in storage until the end of the month.

I'm planning on buying a few bits from Wiggle, and see they have 20% off orders over £100, at the moment, I don't have anyway to pump up the tyres on my Felt, only have a hand car valve pump, which means that I can't ride it again until I either:

Buy a new pump
Wait until the pump comes out of storage in 4 weeks or less - hopefully.

The other issue I have is that my helmet is in storage as well, and whilst I have done a couple of road rides I'm not happy about not riding without a helmet, I can get the Atmos for a good price, but wonder if I should save the £70, and but a set of SPD's, or a better track pump etc.

What do you reckon, is a better trackpump required, and if so which one, Blackburn etc?

I'm thinking of the Blackburn Airtower 4, as a cheapy one won;t be that much better than my currently unavailable cheapy one - does that make sense?

Should I buy another helmet, or just sit tight and wait until the end of the month.......

My head hurts.

Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
Scott CR1 SL 12
Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
Scott Foil 18


  • Pagem
    Pagem Posts: 244
    sorry, did you mean your helmet is in storage? if so, just get it and put your money into pedals/track pump.

    however, if you're helmet is crap and old then prob best to put the moey into the boring stuff first?

    that's a good price for the atmos. i have one and think it's great.
    Only the meek get pinched. The bold survive.
  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited March 2011
    Get the decent track pump and then keep the old one for a spare just in case.
    Forget about the helmet, just get used to riding without, they don't protect you anyway, just a big con.
    Bmw m history
    Porridge not Petrol
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    That's crap,.

    Helmets do protect. If I hadn't worn a helmet I would have had a fractured skull instead of mild concussion when I crashed and headbutted a kerb.

    The helmet was in pieces, better than bits of skull everywhere.

    Forget the track pump, it's only a few weeks, unless they are really flat, you should be OK

    Maybe get a small pump or C02 to attach to your bike?

    Then if the worst happens you can pump them up amnd make do with until you get the track pump?

    Wiggle are playing with your mind :lol:

    Giving it Large
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    edited August 2007
    Thanks for the replies, and sorry for the confusion - yes my helmet is in storage.

    The house we were trying to buy we were 'guaranteed' to be in by mid may, as the vendors had said they were prepared to move into rented, and then just like that they changed their little minds, nothing like a bit of honesty is there.

    Anyway, 6 weeks ago we found a nicer, bigger, better located, and alas more expensive house, and we're hoping to exchange and complete before the end of the month.

    It's just whether I can wait that long to ride my Felt properly or not, and whether i invest in a better trackpump in the meantime.

    How does the Blackburn lifetime guarantee work, is it with them, or the place you buy it from?


    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    I'd get a new helmet if I was you, then you can ride.

    Can't you borrow a pump?

    (Good luck with the move BTW, some people are so dishonest. Our buyer puklled out on the day of exchange! Ended up with a better house in the end though :lol: )

    Giving it Large
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870

    just wanted to clarify that i can't get my helmet out of storage, as it's been packed up and sealed in a crate - it's either all or nothing.

    Alas I don't really know anyone nearby who has a trackpump, only hand pumps.

    Do you know if the Blackburn Airtower 4 goes up to 160PSI - would I ever need to go that high, or is 120 more than sufficient?

    Thanks for the good luck, I hope we won't need it :roll:
    This purchase has a few very good points:
    No estate agents involved
    The property is vacant
    And it has a double, all be it leaky, Garage :lol:


    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • Pagem
    Pagem Posts: 244
    why don't you ride your bikie to a decent bike shop, explain your plight and buy the helmet from them on the condition they will blow your tyres up whenever you need?

    i'm sure they can spare some air...
    Only the meek get pinched. The bold survive.
  • domtyler wrote:
    Get the decent track pump and then keep the old one for a spare just in case.
    Forget about the helmet, just get used to riding without, they don't protect you anyway, just a big con.

    get a helmet, if i had, had a helmet on last week, i wouldn't currently be sitting here with my head split open.