Cycle Holidays, don't know anything

fishdisco Posts: 56
edited August 2007 in Road beginners
Hi, I am a beginner to cycling and would like to do a week or 2 week cycling holiday in Scandinavia (preferably Sweden). Can anyone recommend any companies or tour guides? How does the whole thing work - i.e. do you hire the bike there, and what about accomodation etc? Many thanks


  • JustRidecp
    JustRidecp Posts: 302
    Off the top of my head, the CTC do cycle holidays.
    Real Ultimate Power

    "If I weren't a professional cyclist, I'd be a porn star" - Super Mario
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    There's lots of companies out there, and they can all vary in what they offer, you need to think about what you want from a holiday really, do you want to spend 8 hours a day biking up mountains or do you want do 15 miles and spend the rest of the day off the bike? Also consider what sort of accommodation you'll want, alot are camping holidays which may not be for you (I like walls and a bed myself ;)) As for hiring bikes, some offer bike hire but most people take their own anyway.

    I've used Graham Baxter Sporting tours and Bike Adventures , both have been good, but slightly different (Baxter are a bit racier).
  • Thanks! I don't really mind camping or staying somewhere nicer. It all depends on how it all works. I'm going to be on my own, and At the moment I can only probably manage about 20-30 miles a day!! I just wanted a guide really, or a group as I don't feel confident to go alone on some cycle routes. I also want to lose some weight so if there are longer routes then I would be willing to have a go.
  • RyanBrook
    RyanBrook Posts: 195
    I would recommend doing it on your own (or preferably with a friend or two). The tours charge through the roof and you lose the ability to decide how you want to spend your time or where you want to go. Best bet is to buy a suitable bike, panniers, tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, camping stove etc plan your route considering your capabilities then book some budget flights and your away totally free to change your route at any time or to spend an extra day in a place you like.
  • Join the CTC and get a copy of their tour brochure.

    The tours are run by various leaders and can be of various format. Moving on tours stopping at hotels, moving on tours stopping at campsites, staying at the same hotel and doing day riides etc etc.

    Different tour leaders do things different ways but you can always ring them up and ask about their trip, distances, speeds, accomodation etc. Explain what you want and what you can do and they will tell you if their trip is suitable. They are used to accomodating different fitness levels in their tour groups.

    The most important thing to remember is that the CTC tours are run by enthusiasts for the fun of it. They are non-profit making and therefore very good value for money. I even got a £50 cheque back after one holiday because the organiser came in under budget!

    The destinations change every year so they might go to Scandinavia this year and they might not. They might be full too.