Anyone doing the 100 mile Lancaster to York ride for BHF

cexton Posts: 83
edited August 2007 in Road beginners
Hi All,

I am doiing the Lancaster to York bike ride in September.

I was wondering if there are many people doing the ride on this forum? I have never rode that kind of distance before. :D I am currently training doing about 20 miles every couple of days and a long ride at weekend (30 miles so far).

I did a ride yesterday from work (21.55 miles) some hills but mostly flat, but I found it really difficult as there was head wind, my average speed was 16.2mph, is that any good?

Based on my current training schedule do you guys think I can reach the finish line?

I am doing the ride on my own so might be nice to see some fellow riders at the start line.


Chris :D


  • I'm doing the same ride - let's hope it is nice and sunny!

    I'm no expert but I have ridden similar distances before. Your training sounds good but I'd up the mileage a bit if I were you. 16.2 mph is fine, especially if there was a headwind.

    Can you ramp up to a 60-70 miler over the next fortnight? Maybe try and fit two such rides in during August and then taper down to normal riding for the week before the ride? Don't forget to try out what food/drink works for you during these longer rides. Going for 20-30 miles just on energy drinks is fine but you'll need some solids for 100 miles. My fave are classic jam sandwiches!

    Look out for me at the start - I'll be the fat bloke riding an Eddy Merckx in Chocolade Jacques colours.
  • Had myself a similar situation earlier this month and i was fine. riding with others wil keep you going.

    I cant speak highly enough of SIS sport gel. expensive but do the business.

  • Have been thinking of doing this. Will have to get somewhere to stay in Lancaster the night before.

    I would suggest doing some longer rides. You will uncover things that start to hurt after more miles.