My first computer

MrKawamura Posts: 192
edited August 2007 in Road beginners
I was going to the excellent cinema they have in Basingstoke and decided to drop in to the Pedal On bike shop. Lots of expensive Scotts, Treks and Giants to ogle at.

I bought a Trek Incite 8i computer. More features than the CatEye at the same price, and looks nicer, I think.

Here are the stats from my first ride last night.

Distance: 16.8 miles
Average speed: 16.9 mph
Max speed: 37.1 mph

I burned myself trying to get the average up to 17 over the last mile or so, discovering that a computer can be a good way to make yourself push harder.


  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    Yeah it is nice to try and beat your best score, although don't forget to take into account things like traffic lights and junctions that can slow your average down.
  • MrKawamura
    MrKawamura Posts: 192
    Most of the junctions on that route require a stop every time, so I'm hoping it will be roughly accurate each time. I tried to brake quite sharply so the speed goes from 15 or 20 down to 0 in a short space of time, then the timer stops, so I don't lose too much from the average. I'll probably try to beat it once a month so there's a reasonable chance that my fitness and weight will have improved enough to make a difference.

    It would be nice to see the times come down, though most of my rides will be more relaxed and aimed at enjoying myself and burning some fat.

    I need to start putting in some longer rides to build up to a 100k in September. 30 miles planned for Sunday. 20 mile ride home from work tonight. Probably boring having me bang on about myself - just keeping the boards busy.
  • beckenham
    beckenham Posts: 242
    I've bought a Specilized Turbo wireless and been using it for a couple of days. You're right it does help you to put a bit more effort in. Quick question though, with the average speed does that discount times when you are stationary i.e. for traffic lights etc?
    Beer, the reason my ambitions have not become my achievements
  • JustRidecp
    JustRidecp Posts: 302
    beckenham wrote:
    I've bought a Specilized Turbo wireless and been using it for a couple of days. You're right it does help you to put a bit more effort in. Quick question though, with the average speed does that discount times when you are stationary i.e. for traffic lights etc?

    Depends on your computer. I've got an autostart feature on mine so it registers that the wheels aren't spinning and stops recording when stationary and starts recording again when you start moving. Therefore, the stationary time is not included in average speed.
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