Energy bars/drinks on LEJOG

cusimar9 Posts: 101
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
Hi all,

I'm training like mad at the moment for a 10 day LEJOG starting Aug 20th. If we can make it to the start line I'd like some recommendations on energy drinks/bars/gels or whatever.

My thoughts were to stop off at shops wherever we can and grab some chocolate bars and the odd bottle of lucozade... but looking around there are SO many energy things you can buy, I wonder if I should think about stocking up before we go.

Now, bearing in mind we're unsupported we'll have to carry everything, so ideally we don't want to take too much stuff. But if there's anything you guys deem essential then I wouldn't mind giving it a go.


  • PeteinSQ
    PeteinSQ Posts: 2,292
    Isotonic drinks are good to prevent cramp and also provide carbs. I use SIS Go which even tastes ok.

    I personally don't bother with proper energy bars etc and just take food that I would eat anyway. Cereal bars with chocolate etc.

    If you will stop for a proper lunch you won't need to carry that much extra food to eat on the bike.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    Are you camping or B&B???

    I try to have breakfast in a supermarket cafe, really cheap , like me. and it could be any time of the day.

    And then buy cereal bars, jelly babies, chocolate raisins, bananas for nibbling through the day.

    I prefer not to have a large meal in the middle of the day, something like beans on toast is sufficient for me.

    There are plenty of places to buy things all along the route there is no need to carry too much

  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited March 2011
    It doesn't make much sense to stock up beforehand, as you have said you are going to have to hump it around with you for ten days. Plan on eating stuff that can be bought in any old corner shop like flapjacks and lucozade sport then stopping for a decent lunch and dinner. I would personally try to limit the amount of alcohol consumed in the evenings to around one or two pints, hard but necessary if you want to actually enjoy the riding bit.

    Try and do some calorie calculations too so you can make sure you are eating sufficient amounts of grub.
    Vapir no2
    Porridge not Petrol
  • cusimar9
    cusimar9 Posts: 101
    Calorie calculations are easy just got to eat as much as we can :lol:

    Drinking shouldn't be a problem we'll probably just have one pint in the evening.

    Just trying to get my knees used to the mileage, they're having a bit of a moan this week.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    cusimar9 wrote:
    Calorie calculations are easy just got to eat as much as we can :lol:

    Drinking shouldn't be a problem we'll probably just have one pint in the evening.

    Just trying to get my knees used to the mileage, they're having a bit of a moan this week.


    I have sent you a PM

    try not to mash the gears use a smaller gear and spin, better for the knees.

  • cusimar9
    cusimar9 Posts: 101
    Thanks George, PM'd ya back (why doesn't this forum tell me when I have a PM? :idea:)

    Well I'm treating myself to a couple of days off so :)
  • allaction
    allaction Posts: 209
    I use SIS PSP sachets which are easy to use (one per bottle).They cost a pound each and taste ok. They don't seem to affect my stomach like some energy drinks can do. They really make a difference on long rides. I take one about half an hour before depart (or a strong coffee if I'm on a budget!) and one every hour and a half of pedalling.
  • paulbricey
    paulbricey Posts: 84
    I finished 8 day LeJOG yesterday so have some recent experience....we all started out with isotonic drinks and gel sachets but we ditched them after a few days as they make you feel crap. The best solution turned out to be full breakfast, bananas and weak isotonic (or water) whilst riding, latte coffee stops with cakes, multiple starter pub lunches (especially broth with oats, lentil soup, haggis etc), coffee stop afternoon with cakes again, main meal in evening (sticky toffee pud desert!). We'll never plan on Energy drinks and bars (or other artificial junk) again...
  • fatfifer
    fatfifer Posts: 10
    Just finished a 14 day LEJoG and must agree with the last post. Stick to plain water and avoid gels etc . I just ate bananas biscuits chocolate and large amounts of jelly babies and had a light lunch and big evening meal and breakfast. Enjoy it and try to stop eating everything in sight once your tour is over!!
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    Enjoy it and try to forget all the jelly babies, and casual sex you had :-)

    No casual sex???/

    jelly babies are better

  • Yorkshireman
    Yorkshireman Posts: 999
    cusimar9 wrote:
    Thanks George, PM'd ya back (why doesn't this forum tell me when I have a PM? :idea:)
    Well I'm treating myself to a couple of days off so :)

    If you go into your Profile there is an option to do that (if your system allows it), and good luck with your ride :wink:
    Colin N.

    Lincolnshire is mostly flat... but the wind is mostly in your face!