Getting Wet

jonesy124 Posts: 205
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
Anyone here who has to commute through flooded regions? I work just outside Reading and had to cycle through some very wet areas today.

Im not looking forward to putting my soggy trainers back on in a couple of hours for the ride home :?

I will probably have to get off my bike and carry it whilst wading through some patches later - GI Jane eat your heart out!


  • carlstone
    carlstone Posts: 602
    My best find for wet days are neoprene overshoes, feet still get slightly wet but stay warm.

    I think main problem when riding through deep muddy water is not being able to see what is beneath the water, i.e. potholes etc. Especially after flooding as manhole covers etc can be dislodged. Hit one of these and its face plant/broken bike city!

    Just take it steady!
  • HuDDy25k
    HuDDy25k Posts: 21
    I am from barnsley its been flooded and its still flooded in places i have to bike to wombwell every day and back and its so muddy my 25 ltr tub of muc - off is running out fast. Most places along the route are above my hubs with water where paths are still flooded. As for the wet shoes i have a tumble dryer so there are nice and warm

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