Too much yellow?

mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
edited July 2007 in Pro race
Why have the TdF organisers allowed Saunier Duval-Prodir to compete in yellow? There was a ruling that you could only display a certain percentage of yellow so as not to be confused with the maillot jeune, the Spanish ONCE team used to change from their normal yellow for the Tour and ride in pink


  • shazzz
    shazzz Posts: 1,077
    I think the ONCE pink strip was voluntary, rather than due to a TdF ruling.
  • Cyclo2000
    Cyclo2000 Posts: 1,923
    Apparently the guy responsible (can't remember his name, sorry!) decided that the SD strip is a different enough yellow to allow.
    Seems a bit weird to me too but there it is.
    Usquequaque in Ventus
    Just once I would like to be called "Sir", without someone adding "You\'re making a scene".
  • Stark.
    Stark. Posts: 108
    Frankly, the Saunier Duval kit should be banned simply because it's hideous. The Astana outfit wasn't exactly doing it for me either. But hey, we don't have to worry about that one now, do we.
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,720
    Stark. wrote:
    The Astana outfit wasn't exactly doing it for me either. But hey, we don't have to worry about that one now, do we.

  • Salsiccia
    Salsiccia Posts: 405
    I'm pretty sure ONCE were asked to change their strip, which is we they had a mainly green one in 1990 and then pink thereafter.

    Perhaps ASO took the pragmatic view that peeing off sponsors by asking them to lose their visibility might not be in the sport's interest, given the current climate...
    I was only joking when I said
    by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed
  • millar time
    millar time Posts: 392
    By the same token T-Mobile don't change their strip in the Giro, i freely admit that their pink and the Maglia Rosa are very different, but you could argue the same about Saunier Duval, and for some reason I can't quite fathom I actually like their kit.
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Mercatone Uno also changed their Tour strip when they had a mainly yellow strip for a couple of years.
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano