Is it too much to ask for a little friendliness?

Roastie Posts: 1,968
edited July 2007 in Commuting chat
This morning on my commute I picked up a puncture. No problem, carried to the conveniently located bus stop and set about fixing it.

So first cyclist goes by and says hello and offers a hand, I'm ok so he heads off. Another passes, at least greets me. It's always nice to at least say hello to one of our ilk, isn't it?

A bit later another comes by. A guy who works at the same company in my building and who locks up his bike to the self same rack. I've seen and greeting him a few times in the basement and usually get back the look of a bewildered monkey. He clearly recognises me, but then looks away and ignores my friendly "hello"! :x Tosser. I get the feeling from his body language that he was afraid I may want to ask him for help or something.

I just can't understand it at all, why some people seem so ashamed to be in any way linked to being a cyclist, like it is a disease or something? I dunno, maybe that is just my interpretation, but I (perhaps unfairly) come to this conclusion 'cos typically the friendly cyclists ride decent bikes. Not necessarily expensive, just well maintained - clearly loved and the object of some level of pride. The unfriendly tosser riders typically ride heaps of junk that squeak, wobble and have no brakes.

Either way this guy is a prize tosser.


  • All I'll say to that is just revel in the good feeling you get from speaking and greeting fellow cyclists; I love nodding across the road or waving at other cyclists on my commute.

    Is this guy that ignored you a 'proper' cyclist or just someone who rides to work? But whether cyclist or no, he still should have acknowledged you. Unfortunately, we all have the right to be rude, even if the other person doesn't like it.

    I could have ridden past a guy who had crashed and cut his head open pretty bad a couple of weeks ago, but how much of a scumbag would that make me? I stopped, with real concern for this guy. Blood all over him, his bike and the road and he told me how many drivers had gone past (in plain site of him) and didn't stop. Luckily, a nice old guy in a van went by, obviously saw what had happened and came back. He took the guy to hospital AND carried his bike (it was only a small van too, full of tools).

    I am not sure why people ignore others like this. Personally, if it was me, I'd ignore the guy in future.
  • RufusA
    RufusA Posts: 500
    Roastiecp wrote:
    This morning on my commute I picked up a p*****re.

    Oh no - you've said the P word - that's another 3 heading your way.....

  • overmars
    overmars Posts: 430
    Roastiecp wrote:
    I just can't understand it at all, why some people seem so ashamed to be in any way linked to being a cyclist, like it is a disease or something? I dunno, maybe that is just my interpretation,

    Yes it's your interpretation and a wrong one (in my opinion!).

    Cyclists are the coolest cats on the block.
    8) 8)