So where do you find water?

GeorgeShaw Posts: 764
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
I'm starting to up my mileage so I need to consume more than 2 x 750ml bottles, in training for a sportive. The latter is fine, because they have feed stations, but what to do when training? Does anybody have advice on reliable ways to find water on a ride?

(Oh to be in France, where each village has it's public fountain ....)


  • 3 litre Camelbak?
    Wheelies ARE cool.

    Zaskar X
  • Aidocp
    Aidocp Posts: 868
    I was out with a bloke a few weeks back, he lost one of his bottles so I sent him into a village pub to get the other re-filled, they were happy to help, they even put a touch of orange in it for him.
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    petrol stations usually - buy a bottle of chilled water from their cabinets - or if you need a kick they usually have a selection of powerade or lucozade or the like.
  • john ponting
    john ponting Posts: 491
    mostly covered already but ...

    filling stations
    corner shops


    and they're more wholesome than some of the French fountains that I've experienced. Some were little better than the pissoires that were once prevelant.
  • woody-som
    woody-som Posts: 1,001
    profile design aquarack, and carry 4 bottles (or the Tacx version, but you fit your own bottle cages). This is how Triathleats do it, I have them on both road bikes.
  • chap an old grannys door, after all its almost free plus i'm sure she'd be more than happy to see a strapping young man in tight clothing :lol:
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
  • PhetPhan
    PhetPhan Posts: 33
    cemeteries? get off with yer.
    i tend to pass thru buxton on most of my routes where there is a fabulous fountain.
    also theres one in endon, just thother side of leek. and of course there's always a bit of a stream flowing out on the hills. aint done me no harm yet. - be there or be square
  • Random Vince
    Random Vince Posts: 11,374
    PhetPhan wrote:
    cemeteries? get off with yer.
    i tend to pass thru buxton on most of my routes where there is a fabulous fountain.
    also theres one in endon, just thother side of leek. and of course there's always a bit of a stream flowing out on the hills. aint done me no harm yet.

    cant remember who does it, but you can get a water bottle that will clean / filter water from a reasonablly clean looking stream / river
    My signature was stolen by a moose

    that will be all

    trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
  • MrKawamura
    MrKawamura Posts: 192
    Plug the hole under your bottom bracket and fill your frame with tap water. Remember to take an allen key to remove your seatpost when you need a quick slurp. The extra wieght will help strengthen your leg muscles too.

  • and the award for most innovative idea goes to Japan again Mr kawamura :wink:
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!