Argh! eBay!

mike1-2 Posts: 456
edited August 2007 in The Crudcatcher
Sold my iPod on the 'bay along with a load of other crap and out of 170+ dealings on the site, this has to be the worst.

As soon as the auction ends, the lady that won it gave me some crap about not meaning to bid, so I insulted her via bad feedback, fine I presume, second chance offer it and they buy it.


Now I have just received an email from the original winner saying she wants it now :)

Haha, now she's threatining to report me to the site for selling something that was hers, so I was just like; :roll:

Anyone else had any crap from eBay users?


  • HJ1976
    HJ1976 Posts: 205
    Did you keep the communication where she said she didn't want it?
  • mike1-2
    mike1-2 Posts: 456
    Yea, yea 'course, that's why I'm not worried.

    It just annoys me. :o
  • gr033y
    gr033y Posts: 29
    I've had 2 bad buyers after 180+ smooth transactions.

    I came to the conclusion that e-bay represents the human race perfectly, as in most people are polite, inteligent and respectful, but a few are complete pratts.

    Theres one born every minute as the saying goes!
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    You either get people saying they don't want the item they've just won, of they'll offer you £10 for an item with a buy it now 'or make best offer' of £200.

    Nowt but retards on eBay these days Mike =(
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • mike1-2
    mike1-2 Posts: 456
    That's why I don't do best offer, it's normally stupid.

    I put my old Focus on eBay before I traded it in with a 2900 BIN or Best Offer.

    I got one offer from a guy called; Wude Boyz Inc 07

    Offer was around the 700 quid mark :roll:

    I asked if he wanted to come see it and he said he couldn't because his Dad wouldn't drive him down from Scotland but he would get the train if he won it at 700 quid.
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,720
    The problem is that when you get an arse, they are a total arse.
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    Mike wrote:
    That's why I don't do best offer, it's normally stupid.

    I put my old Focus on eBay before I traded it in with a 2900 BIN or Best Offer.

    I got one offer from a guy called; Wude Boyz Inc 07

    Offer was around the 700 quid mark :roll:

    I asked if he wanted to come see it and he said he couldn't because his Dad wouldn't drive him down from Scotland but he would get the train if he won it at 700 quid.

    All you can say to that is 'Bloody kids'!
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • I think the comment about eBay representing the general population is about spot on!

    I've bought and sold enough to realise eBay isn't as easy as some would have you believe.
  • shorty15
    shorty15 Posts: 97
  • owen_MTB
    owen_MTB Posts: 222
    eBay really has gone down the sh1tt3r.
    I just bought a new phone and sent a payment for it today then later on i get a email saying the auction is 'null and void' and has been cancelled due to actions beyond the sellers control grrrr
    best get a refund :evil:
    It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness
  • Red Panda
    Red Panda Posts: 269
    I sold an item earlier this week as a Paypal only sale thinking I'd get payment straight away...WRONG! the numpty who bid the highest had wonky credit card details and so I have to wait for his PayPal 'eCheque' to clear before I get payment. Payment ETA is 17th Aug and get this, he tried to pressure me into sending the item before the payment came through. "I need it for my holiday" winge winge moan moan. Guess what? I still have the item and he can swivel till the dosh comes through.
    Still, what a ball ache!
  • Random Vince
    Random Vince Posts: 11,374
    Mike wrote:
    Sold my iPod on the 'bay along with a load of other crap and out of 170+ dealings on the site, this has to be the worst.

    As soon as the auction ends, the lady that won it gave me some crap about not meaning to bid, so I insulted her via bad feedback, fine I presume, second chance offer it and they buy it.


    Now I have just received an email from the original winner saying she wants it now :)

    Haha, now she's threatining to report me to the site for selling something that was hers, so I was just like; :roll:

    Anyone else had any crap from eBay users?

    the simple answer to it, as i think you've gone with is;

    payment hadnt been recived, item had been refused, thus in any court of law it wasnt her property as you'd re-offered it before she said she wanted it.
    My signature was stolen by a moose

    that will be all

    trying to get GT James banned since tuesday
  • Red Panda
    Red Panda Posts: 269
    I've got a tip for eBay Sellers:

    If some cheeky dunderhead tries to pay with a PayPal eCheque don't expect any money for at least 10 working days. DO NOT SEND the item before payment clears even if the git tries to severely pressure you into doing so.

    From now on all my auctions will include a Clear disclaimer that PayPal eCheques are not accepted!
  • When I sell on ebay I state that item will only be shipped when payment has been cleared and transferred to my own bank account, that way it removes any potential nonscene from some of the numpties out there.

    Had the "I won the auction for item xxxx for £100 but I only have £80, will you take that instead" email on one item I sold, but I tell them pay up fully, or it's negative feedback, and item relisted in 7 days. ANyway they payed up. Just be firm with the numpties.
  • baccaman21
    baccaman21 Posts: 523
    and there's the numpties that forget that Postage included packaging costs also... that does my head in - I had a d1ck wad giving me jip the other week cos he was winging about the postage cost being cheaper than what they paid for - stupid really cos it's only peanuts anyway... the fact is I charged £3 for the P&P and it was £2.60 mail to post and about £1.50 on the bubble wrap and card and paper to pack it with... so in actual fact they paid ME 10p!!

    I should have complained...
    get on your bikes and ride!
  • Red Panda
    Red Panda Posts: 269
    Strikes me that buyers have more support than sellers on eBay.

    I was reading about how a buyer had bought a skirt, then claimed it had loose buttons to the seller and then demanded her money back and to keep the skirt or she'd give negative feedback!!! It's extortion isn't it.

    My recent example of my being paid for an item via a PayPal eCheque was a wake up call to me about both eBay's 'support' for sellers and for how crappy some buyers are! Kind of made me think eBay's a right load of tosh when it goes wonky.
  • genus
    genus Posts: 43
    For me it's ebay support full stop. That is, there isn't any. Try getting to speak to a human at ebay! If it can't be handled through the dark and strange automated processes they have, it can't be handled.

    Worse than the bloody Halifax they be!