Advice on neck / back pain

in the wire
in the wire Posts: 79
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
After about 4 hours on a ride the other week I started getting spasmodic pain around the first vertabrae below my neck.

Next time in the saddle after a few days I got the pain after only 10 mins.

Things I've tried so far are to no avail are:

-Replaced my crap helmet which was slipping forward
-Tilted my drop handlebars up a bit.

The next thing I'm going to try is lowering my saddle a bit in case I'm rocking my back. Has anybody come across that before?


  • Are your handlebars too wide? Your hands should be in line with your shoulders. If you are small framed your standard bars may be too wide; splaying your arms and straining your back / shoulders.

    Getting narrower bars worked for me
    I want to climb hills so badly;
    and I climb hills so badly