internet nightmare !

Posts: 103
Everthing has changed! thanks to my internet provider and BT i've had a forced break for THREE weeks and everbody's moved. I turned on my pc three weeks ago and was told it 'could't find the server', so i contacted my ISP and then began a long drawn out game of who could blame who! Firstly i was to blame for having faulty equipment, fortunately i've a small clue of what's what so it wasn't me, then they said they'd do tests, they came up ok, so it must be the phone line. That was two weeks ago, finally the fault was traced to the exchange and rectified. It's not until you lose something that you realise how much you rely on it.
I wear the trousers in our house!
when I\'m allowed !!
when I\'m allowed !!
Welcome to the strange new world of BikeRadar - to recap what you've missed:
- some C+ roadies said hello to the MBUK "massive"
- they said hello back, but in a way that seemed a little brash for the C+ers :roll:
- the C+'s got a bit up themselves and voices were RAISED in reply
- MBUKers upped the ante with harsh words and even insults :twisted:
- war broke out............nobody could switch off their machines (or at least take time to stop and calm down a bit) was just like Terminator :shock:
- the only people left following Armageddon were the people still here now, making a go of the new site
- a lot of C+ers went to CycleChat, but strangely keep coming back here to tell us how awful BikeRadar is, and how wonderful their new place is
- ditto MBUKers to their own new place
Now the dust has settled, and some of the early software glitches have been sorted, things have calmed down a bit. It's a nice mix with MTBers asking questions in "Road Beginners" they always wanted to ask in their old forum but were too afraid lest they be labelled "gay roadies"
Like any community, there are places you don't venture unless you know what you are doingbut generally, I think it'll turn out right in the end.
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Like and forum, people tend to think that it is "theirs" and interlopers are to be feared and ridiculed :roll:
What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!0