Specialized Toupe VS Toupe Gel (saddles)

N0bodyOfTheGoat Posts: 6,081
edited July 2007 in Workshop
On the way home from work, I had to stop half a dozen times to re-attach the seat to the rails on my Felt! I'm not confident of the thing holding together now, although I had contemplated using superglue (or similar) to bond the rail into the inserts, as I've found the saddle very comfortable since purchase (despite the review slating this own brand seat has often had).

The Toupe has had a good press and I was curious as to whether anyone has tried the original and the gel version, to give an informed opinion on whether the gel version is worth an extra nine squids?

The other front-runner is a Tioga Spyder... The guy who bought my '97 Principia RSL off me last summer got own and it was pretty comfy, when tried stationary!
2020 Voodoo Marasa
2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
2016 Voodoo Wazoo


  • powenb
    powenb Posts: 296
    I'm also interested to hear what people have to say.
    I reckon that the main reason people choose one of the other, is weight.

    I'm also considering the Selle Italia Flite Gel flow.
  • Pirahna
    Pirahna Posts: 1,315
    I've got both. The normal has a slightly more supple feel to it and I find it more comfortable than the gel. That said, both are excellent. The gel has silver trim which is wearing in a couple of places. The all black trim on the normal will keep the saddle looking new for longer.

    If I were buying again I'd probably give the gel a miss.
  • rjsmith
    rjsmith Posts: 1,924
    I've got both also. The gel on my Sportive bike and the standard on my RR bike. For me, the gelcertainly has the edge in comfort. Done a few rides over 100 miles on it with no problems. The standard one is ok but for longer distances I prefer my gel one.
    Saddles are a very personal thing as you can tell from this answer and the previous post!