Loudest and tickiest hub?

DoubledUp Posts: 206
edited July 2007 in MTB general
Right my friend has a hope pro 2 which seems to tick loudly and more often than my dmr revolver mk1 and really annoys me and my friends, not because he has a better hub but because of the blumin' noise it makes, I know you can get a 6pawl dmr revolver which would tick more than a pro 2 but I dont know if it would be louder because Ive heard the seals in the pro 2 aren't to good where the freehub pawls are situated.
which would be a louder, better and tickier hub (any)?
<font size="1"><i>Style is just like hair style, just have it your way</i></font id="size1">
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  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Why do you want a louder hub?
  • DoubledUp
    DoubledUp Posts: 206
    I never said I *wanted* a louder hub i'm just merely asking which would is the loudest?
    <font size="1"><i>Style is just like hair style, just have it your way</i></font id="size1">
    <font size="1"><font color="red">Bike</font id="red"></font id="size1">
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Loudness of a hub has no correllation to quality of the hub.
    Some are loud, some aren't. Live with it.
  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    Take the grease out of the pawls and you have an exceptionally loud hub.

    Why does this topic keem coming back up. It seems like a bit of the new thing.
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • ashleymp777
    ashleymp777 Posts: 1,212
    Weird! In all the years I've been riding that's the maddest question I've ever heard

    Mine make no noise what so ever! Feel like I'm missing out now :D
  • SiLvEr_SnAkE
    SiLvEr_SnAkE Posts: 180
    A quote from the old MBUK (can't remember who said it)
    "A loud clicky hub is a quick way of saying 'i'm not running Shimano'.."
    I think this topic must have come up about 5 times since I joined the MBUK forum in Feb.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Just stick a playing card through your spokes. Much louder.
    Or, alternatively, fire off an AK everywhere you go.

    Or just quit bothering about such silly things.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    Apparently its cool........it really pisses me off some of the time though i admit, although it does say I HAVE A HOPE PRO II...LOOK AT MY SEX!!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Meh, bulbs are more expensive. Surely if you wanted to show off your sex, you'd ride about on an uber expensive CK hub, with your schlong hanging out?
  • GT-Dave
    GT-Dave Posts: 1,441
    :lol: The ACS Freewheel on my On-One sounds just like an AK-47.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    You want a really noisy hub???

    Try 7th gear on a new Rohloff Speedhub.

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    I ride DT Swiss 240s hubs - they cost 415 for the hubs alone and are silent. Thats just the way it is. Quit caring.
  • Red Panda
    Red Panda Posts: 269
    Why would a great quality hub make a clacking sound? Shouldn't it be silent? :)

    I could get the same effect by tying a lolly stick to my frame that just touches the spokes :?
  • Splasher
    Splasher Posts: 1,528
    I've got ProIIs and the noise has never bothered me. However, they are a pain in the Alps where you freewheel for miles at a time.

    It's good for psyching people out that you catch up though :twisted:
    "Internet Forums - an amazing world where outright falsehoods become cyber-facts with a few witty key taps and a carefully placed emoticon."
  • daxion
    daxion Posts: 104
    I have a CK and a Pro2 and yes, the Pro2 is annoying. The CK is a nice buzzing sound.
    I'm going to try some different greese compounds to see if I can dampen the sound.
    Dave - Spin instructor
  • CitizenLee
    CitizenLee Posts: 2,227

    What is this witchcraft you people speak of?
    NukeProof Mega FR 2012
    Cube NuRoad 2018
    2015 Genesis CdF 10, 2014 Cube Hyde Race, 2012 NS Traffic, 2007 Specialized SX Trail, 2005 Specialized Demo 8
  • dirtbiker100
    dirtbiker100 Posts: 1,997
    loud hubs have been fashionable in bmx for a fair old while now. but my rear freewheel on my bmx is silent. makes me feel like a ninja though. there is a certain appeal of having a noisy cassette but i've yet to figure out what it is.
    same effect as a phat exhaust on a car?
    makes it sound like it has a higher quality? (listen you can hear it working well)

    I know that ACS make loud freewheels for bmx and taking grease out helps. But types of mtb hub i'm stuck on i'm afraid.
  • al_yrpal
    al_yrpal Posts: 102
    The DT Swiss 340 on my Rush 2000 is blinking annoying. The noise is cyclic too

  • rideitgood
    rideitgood Posts: 1,183
    Im running a formula one on my giant, which is near enough silent. My riding mates both run pro 2's front and back, and the noise when riding behind them is unreal. Still, I am actually getting a pro 2, so i'm being hypocritical. 8)
  • daxion
    daxion Posts: 104
    The thing I like about the CK is the hub is quiet when starting to freewheel, the clicking/buzzing (CK buzz sound, quite distintive) then builds up like a bee getting closer, lol.
    Dave - Spin instructor
  • Sir HC
    Sir HC Posts: 20,148
    Thin grease and not much of it gets you a loud hub. If your after a quiet hub, lots of thick grease.

    Ringles are loud, followed by Hopes.

    At the end of the day though, you want a hub thats going to last and require as little maintanence as possible and when you need to repair it, its easy and cheap. On that basis, I'd go for something from Hope.
    Intense Socom
  • Crock - SmP
    Crock - SmP Posts: 502
    if you want to be loud you could run a rear freewheel.

    i have a tensile on my trials bike and its unreal how loud it is louder than any pro2 i've heard.
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Jon</i>

    That\'s what the wrist is for - gloves.

    You know you\'re a biker when... ...your arms are brown, and your hands are totally white...
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  • madmole
    madmole Posts: 466
    Hope Pro 2's absolutely great at scattering Ramblers. Who needs a bell
    Marin Mount Vision 2005. Fox RL100/RP3. Hope Pro 2/Mavic XC717/DT rev. Cinders 2.1, XTR, Lots of bling

    Cervelo S3 2011. Mavic Cosmic Carbonne SLE. RED. Q-rings, lots of bling and very light!
  • rob cole
    rob cole Posts: 706
    you need to be careful about using thick grease in a freehub, don't use too much as it can affect the return action of the springs that push the pawls into the ratcheting stops

    ideally a thin smear of grease, or light oil is a better bet, but check with the hub manufacturer's instructions first

    I have a Hope Pro2 rear hub and it makes a lovely clicking noise :shock:

    my bmx has a Profile SS cassette hub and this also makes a lovely clicking noise, not as loud as the Hope but more noticeable when riding a concrete skatepark, I get a fantastic buzzing as i pump around the bowls
    check out my riding - www.robcole.co.uk Banshee Factory Team rider, Da Kine UK Team rider, www.freeborn.co.uk www.eshershore.com
  • thaibog
    thaibog Posts: 271
    hope pro-2.s always form a topic of amusement on our rides...as the man said..they always scatter wildlife and ramblers a quarter of a mile ahead. I must say i have a set of hope xc's and they are noisy too...maybe its a northern thing..

    My Crossmax's have no sound at all...but I had to have a complete rebuild of the freehub after 150 miles riding so quit isnt always quality...

  • wwjjtt
    wwjjtt Posts: 204
    chris king(apparently) makes a noise like a swarm of angry bees but costs a small fortune. they have tons of pawls so the uptake is almost instant.
  • L60N
    L60N Posts: 223
    Clicky hubs, the big bore exhaust of the cycling world :lol:
  • gaz047
    gaz047 Posts: 601
    i've got pro 2's on xc717's. wasn't the noise that made me save for them, it was for the following reasons = loads of good reviews (mags and forums), price (£300 inc tape, tubes, tyres, skewers from merlin). also their light, strong and durable so you don't have to worry if they'll break when you jump or go off drop offs. must admit the sound does take a bit of getting used to (5 mins). if your looking for a wheel upgrade i would seriously consider these :D

    p.s. me? biased? surely not :wink:
    if it ain't rainin.....it ain't trainin
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  • daxion
    daxion Posts: 104
    The CK sound is sweet and almost instant pick up, a lot faster than Pro2s.
    Not that biased as I have both
    Dave - Spin instructor
  • jimbo-norco
    jimbo-norco Posts: 333
    if you want to be loud you could run a rear freewheel.

    have a tensile on my trials bike and its unreal how loud it is louder than any pro2 i've heard.
    I too have the tensile freewheel on my trials bike, sounds like a cable tie!!!!