In line cable adjusters . How do they work ???????

Steveorow Posts: 162
edited July 2007 in Workshop
Numpty question I know . How do these in-line cable adjusters work ? Was adjusting the front derailleur for the first time myself on my 6 month old bike; finishing off the trimming adjustment ( its an ultegra derailleur ) ; turning the inline cable adjuster either way appears to do nothing to the cable tension ie the deraileur cage does nothing ; the barrel adjuster work fine on my old bike dong the same operation so whats the scoop ? Am I doing something stupid ????


  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    it lengthens/shortens the outer, and given that the inner is fixed at both ends, this acts to decrease/increase the cable tension, which should move the mech.

    If not, then either then mech is sticky and needs a clean

    or, the limit stops on the mech are stopping it moving

    or, it is moving, but only by a small amount (which you're not perceiving)

    or, the barrel adjuster is all the way out anyway, so it's just spinning round

    or, you have a wierd otherworldly bike outside the usual engineering principles

    or, something else
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • Steveorow
    Steveorow Posts: 162
    thanks . Thats what I thought . The mech is fine its just the in line adjuster . When I turn the middle/barrell on the inline iwhich are positioned about 4 inches from the STIs it just spins round and doesn't seems to lenghten or shorten the outer sheeth .
    They came pre assembled on the bike so not sure whats happening . On the rear mech there is a normal barrel adjuster at he mech end of the cable so its not an issue .
  • rohloff-rich
    rohloff-rich Posts: 232
    Check that it's not just tight at one end of it's stop and is just spinning the shorter end of outer cable between the shifter and the in-line adjuster - I had this.
    An MTBer, but with skinny wheel tendencies...
  • chip42
    chip42 Posts: 145
    I know it seems obvious but you need to hold one side and unscrew/screw in the other side :roll:
  • bobtravers
    bobtravers Posts: 115
    Try to lift the barrel than turn clockwise to reduce tension in the cable or counterclockwise to put more tension on the same cable. There's a spring inside the barrel that make it impossible to adjust the tension if it's not lifted...

    Simple as that!
  • Steveorow
    Steveorow Posts: 162
    Guys thanks for the advice . Sorted . Rohloff hit it on the head in this case . The clown that assembled the bike had unscrewed it fully and it was sticking and just spinning the short end of the cable . Put a drop of lube in both ends of the barrel ; left for an hour or so and gently persuaded it to move . Now works a treat . :D
  • rohloff-rich
    rohloff-rich Posts: 232
    Glad to be of service :wink:
    An MTBer, but with skinny wheel tendencies...