Dust particles prematurely wearing chains

Lee_erm Posts: 56
edited July 2007 in Tour & expedition
I recently read an article in a cycling publication that stated that certain dust particles can prematurely wear cycle chains, in particular 9 speed ones. I'm currently using a 9 speed gold KMC chain on my thorn touring bike.

Last night I decided to inspect my chain for dust particles, after a thurogh inspection and full strip down of said chain I encontered 5 dust particles on the chain. I am however unsure if the dust particles on my chain are the 7NA1 type particle, detrimental to chain longevity. How do I identify the particles? Also if the particles to turn out to be of a malicious nature, what would be an appropriate cleaning mechanism suitable for removal of 7NA1 type particles? Obviously a risk assesment would be carried out before hand.


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