Dear Admins

Matt Posts: 5,288
I'd like to engage one of you in a constructive discussion about this forum, I'd appreciate it if you could either return my right to PM and let me PM you, or email/PM me.



  • mmm_pie
    mmm_pie Posts: 1,934
    Ha, good luck with that.
  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 5,288
    Yeah well, I figure if I ask nicely they might actually listen.
  • Capt. Jon
    Capt. Jon Posts: 2,202
    If only the modding problems had been foreseen...

    Oh wait, they were and threads on the previous sites were locked or deleted - we tried to warn you Admins.

    - Support the UK bike industry -
    "You don't get that at trail centres"
  • I would also like the same if possible.
  • mmm_pie
    mmm_pie Posts: 1,934
    They only seem to listen if you do a fleabag, or make a topic that they don't like. And then, all they do it delete your topics
  • fleabag
    fleabag Posts: 1,253
    Yea. I have no doubt I have achieved nothing other than annoying them. But hell, if they want to delete topics if they dont like them, they can delete 100 of them....

    I *might* get the point across

  • nirveous
    nirveous Posts: 79
    If they talk to Mark or John, probably Mark, as he hasn't been spamming or whatever, then we could just leave them alone. However, if they are childish and ignore us, then they deserve all the spam they get.
  • mmm_pie
    mmm_pie Posts: 1,934
    It seems we have mute admins.

    They are deleting and censoring god knows how many topics but they don't seem to be able to talk to anyone :shock:
  • Gavin Weeks
    Gavin Weeks Posts: 321
    Im curious at what point we aren't listening? If you would take the time to search or just look around the forums I think you'll find John making various points regarding what we are doing to get the site up to scratch.

    Fact is we have a lot of you all wanting to put your 5 pennies in, we cannot listen to everyone otherwise it will take way to long and I wont be able to fix what needs fixing.

    I am working as fast as I can to get things sorted, but this is a serious process, its not a case of doing a little bit of styling and uploading it. The process involves hefty security measures, a file repository and getting sign off from various higher ups within the company to commit those changes.

    It would make the process far easier if you would post in the topic set aside for "everyones opinion" and stop spamming up the forums with useless topics saying "its sh*t" or "i don't like it". The ruder the manner, the higher the chance you will simply be ignored, and conduct like such of fleabag results in a user ban and ip ban.

    Let us do our job, we are trying to make this place better for you.
  • mmm_pie
    mmm_pie Posts: 1,934
    But why are you censoring links to other forums? You think people can't make their own minds up about which forum to use?
  • Gavin Weeks
    Gavin Weeks Posts: 321
    We cannot be responsible for what is contained within external websites/forums.
  • mmm_pie
    mmm_pie Posts: 1,934
    Err so that means you have to censor them?
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    We cannot be responsible for what is contained within external websites/forums.

    Sounds like a bit of a cop out to would be better off censoring some guy's huge signature photo of a toilet with things floating in it posted somewhere in this section. Would you remove a link to a BBC article, for example?
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 5,288
    Im curious at what point we aren't listening? If you would take the time to search or just look around the forums I think you'll find John making various points regarding what we are doing to get the site up to scratch.

    Fact is we have a lot of you all wanting to put your 5 pennies in, we cannot listen to everyone otherwise it will take way to long and I wont be able to fix what needs fixing.

    I am working as fast as I can to get things sorted, but this is a serious process, its not a case of doing a little bit of styling and uploading it. The process involves hefty security measures, a file repository and getting sign off from various higher ups within the company to commit those changes.

    It would make the process far easier if you would post in the topic set aside for "everyones opinion" and stop spamming up the forums with useless topics saying "its sh*t" or "i don't like it". The ruder the manner, the higher the chance you will simply be ignored, and conduct like such of fleabag results in a user ban and ip ban.

    Let us do our job, we are trying to make this place better for you.

    Thanks for the reply, I saw your name floating around the top of the page and wondered if you'd answer. I realise that you can't answer everyones questions, however I figured since one of your admins/mods was so intent on getting me to shut up you'd give me some special attention. :)

    I've never exactly been thrilled about the whole idea, however it was more the fact that someone decided it was necessary to keep deleting links to other forums out that really annoyed me, and then when I asked in the thread why this was happening no one responded. If you're (when I say you I mean all the mods/admins) going to admin like that, then people are naturally going to get a little pissed off. You only need to moderate to keep the crap out, and things that are completely unsuitable. I don't think anything like an mtb forum falls under that category.
    I also appear to have had my ability to PM removed, presumably to stop me passing on links to other members. That *could* I suppose be a bug.
  • ratty2k
    ratty2k Posts: 3,872
    But its not, we arefinding our PM's censored as well now! :(

    I think a lot are getting ready to just give up :cry:
    My Pics !

    Whadda ya mean I dont believe in god?
    I talk to him everyday....
  • errrrrr
  • nirveous
    nirveous Posts: 79
    We cannot be responsible for what is contained within external websites/forums.
    No criticism here, but doesn't that mean we can't link to anything. Also, if you are censoring links to dodgy sites only, then there is no need to censor ukmb, it's just another MTB forum, which happens to have a lot of people from MBUK on it.
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    They've also deleted a link to the forum being used by the old WhatMTB crew that I posted for a former member at his request. It's not a dodgy link, just one to what I would call a sensible forum (the exact same people that used to post on WhatMTB). The whole reason for the new forum was that people (including a mod) got disheartened by BikeRadar and simply went elsewhere to keep the sense of community we used to have. Many may return when issues here are sorted, but preventing us from communicating our whereabouts is just unfair
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    fleabag wrote:
    Yea. I have no doubt I have achieved nothing other than annoying them. But hell, if they want to delete topics if they dont like them, they can delete 100 of them....

    Frankly, I have better things to be doing than deleting 100s of your spam posts.

    The bulk of the deleting doesn't fall on the dev team you seem so sure should be working harder, or on the person that designed the system that means it takes a while to change things, it falls on the otherwise regular users who said that they'd be happy to moderate the forum. It's been like this for ever, who did you think would be deleting your posts? Myself and Nick mostly.

    I've nothing against you setting up a separate forum. Since that's where everyone is, I'm willing to use that to talk to the people I know.
    But, please, if you want this forum fixed, contribute. If you don't care, stay away. You gained absoultely nothing from that spamming aside from pissing me (and any other mods who had to clean up) off and demonstrating that perhaps you are the kind of person the forum could do without.
    Yes, I was expecting childish reactions from the bulk of the MBUK users, but not at this level and not from you.
    I *might* get the point across
    To whom?
    And what was the point?
  • Hello,

    Thought I'd say hello. I've been reading the forums and the fallout since the switch. There are a lot of good ideas (and well... hate mail) scattered around the forums, but well, it's good to get both sides to the debate.

    Anyways, for my part, when we do an update of the site, would you like us to let you know with a post in the forums what we've done? I think we'll be doing an update on the weekend.

    We'll let you know, so you can help us improve this place.

    Ta very mush.

    Rich. (a lowly techie at bikeradar)

    We're listening, even with all the effin' and jeffin' goin' on.
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    Personally, I'd like it very much if there was a thread into which you said basically everything you could. When changes are planned for and what they constitute, when changes have been made and where to comment on them.

    I do really think that what most people are annoyed about isn't the fact that it's not yet right, but at the apparent complete lack of any coherent plan.

    And the white.
  • St.D1ckie
    St.D1ckie Posts: 982
    Im curious at what point we aren't listening? If you would take the time to search or just look around the forums I think you'll find John making various points regarding what we are doing to get the site up to scratch.

    Do you have any idea how many days it would take to get 'around the [thousands of] forums' ....?

    WMB's Dude-o
  • St.D1ckie wrote:
    Do you have any idea how many days it would take to get 'around the [thousands of] forums' ....?

    Which is why I've moved almost all the discussion about the site to the BikeRadar Office forum.

    Yes, we've been deleting links to other forums.

    I'm baffled that anyone feels they have any right to link to forums that are just being used to coordinate the disruption of this forum.

    We are working on improving this forum. All the disruption does is impede that effort.
    John Stevenson
  • John, can i have an email address to contact you by please. I do not agree with that.
  • John
    John Posts: 2,499

    Yes, we've been deleting links to other forums.

    I'm baffled that anyone feels they have any right to link to forums that are just being used to coordinate the disruption of this forum.

    Maybe in the start there were 1 or 2 users using one of the forums to plan invasions, But we put a stop to that, The fact that people carried on with their own free will only demonstrates you have upset a lot of people by uprooting them from the forum they were happy with.

    All I can see is this merger has blown up in your face and people wanting to go elsewhere. Its not just us, I have been watching the WMB and the C+ sections aswell and the same has happened.

    This was a large online comunity and when you try to use them to make money you cant expect people to not get annoyed and do something about it.

    From what I can see:

    MBUK -> Left.
    WMB -> Left.
    Cycling + -> Left.

    So who is stil here?

    The admins, a few troublemakers and the odd person holding on incase things improve.

    Please feel free to Email or PM me if you feel it needs discussing further, Or even reply to it here. Whatever.

    Good luck with making 'something' from whats left.

  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    We are working on improving this forum.

    Something which, quite frankly should have been sorted out before the change. Possibly even a mockup, locked, so that posters could have a look and comment on layout/colours/indexing/navigation etc.

    It looks to me that all the effort went into the technical joining up of the separate forums, and very little into testing, or considering what the users might want.

    The disruption of this forum needs no co-ordination. It is doing the job very nicely for itself.

    (as an aside, I PM'd you John, but I've read in other threads that the PM system isn't working?)
  • mc
    mc Posts: 70
    The way I see it is, the powers at be have quickly realised that the enforcement (I feel roll-out sounds to organised) of BR has been one almighty disaster. But instead of limiting damage by re-opening the old forums while they sorted BR out (what happened to it just being at Beta stage?), they've forced BR onto the user base, and ignored nearly all the issues raised on the seperate forums weeks ago.
    Here's just a couple examples-
    Usernames. We were assured we wouldn't lose our existing usernames, and any conflicts would be dealt with so a amicable solution could be met. The reality is, users were merged into one database with the simple solution of adding a suffix to any conflicting usernames, after any duplicate emails were removed. Which is fair enough, but when regular contributers lose their username to some non-poster, who's probably never visited the forum for the past couple of years, you immediately alienated users who provided a large proportion of forum posts. The only benefit to using this approach was to save some script writing by the developers, and the hassle of having to contact a few hundred regular posters to ask about usernames. Oh, and you can't delete any users, as that would reduce your marketing figures, and we couldn't have that.

    Forum layout. So we were assured we'd be able to filter what sections we wanted to see, but low and behold, we can only have 4 filter options. So if I choose MTB, I still get a list of 21 sections. Yes, that's right, twenty-one sections.

    Now as I've already said, you could of saved some face, by re-opening the old forums, but it's blatantly obvious that that's not going to happen.
    So, now that the powers at be have suddenly realised they've upset a large chunk of their userbase, who un-surprisingly have headed of elsewhere (basic marketing principle there - if you don't supply the goods, the customer will go elsewhere), they're doing everything in their power, even if it's totally immoral, to prevent the loss of further users.

    At the moment, all BR is managing to do, is create one hellish public image.

    And is Admin aware that the P, in PM stands for Personal?
    And just incase they're having a bit of problem understanding what Personal is, here's the difinition-
    per·son·al Pronunciation (pûrs-nl)
    1. Of or relating to a particular person; private:

    Now I'm pretty sure that doesn't include Admin reading them first to sensor them.
  • John
    John Posts: 2,499
    Well said.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2007
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Cab
    Cab Posts: 770
    mtb-rules wrote:
    Now I'm pretty sure that doesn't include Admin reading them first to sensor them.

    Admin not having access to PMs is pretty much standard. I'm aware of no forum that allows such access. So what you're saying here is quite serious.

    Admin, mods, is this true? Are you looking at/vetting any PMs here?
This discussion has been closed.