dangers of being a RLJing sheep

ds30 Posts: 103
edited July 2007 in Commuting chat
A RLJer made me laugh and despair this morning.
Sat at the lights at angel and a RLjer squeezes by not taking any notice of what's going on as he does a woman who was waiting starts to follow him across, they get halfway across the junction and nearly get taken out by a big old truck! wish i could have seen the look on there faces am sure the state of his undergarments will be a reminder of the dangers of RLJing!! (well at least for the rest of the day?!) :lol: and not sure the lady in question will follow like a sheep again!


  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited March 2011
    I did some great amber gambling this morning, after I did two the rest were all green, not often that happens.
    Porridge not Petrol
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Amber gambling = sprint training, and so is perfectly acceptable. ;) I'd never do a full on RLJ though. Never ridden in the capital so I don't know what your junctions are like, but here in the suburbs of Birmingham I know I'd die.
  • Aidocp
    Aidocp Posts: 868
    I've done some amber gambling my self in the past, I'm always amazed at the sheep that follow you through. I especially laugh at the cars that just get stuck in a queue and get stranded on the yellow box when the lights change. :lol:
  • I don't laugh.It's not big or clever. :x
  • RLJing when you're riding the wrong way down a wrong way street is acceptable because you should already have been on that side of the lights anyway.
  • Tynancp
    Tynancp Posts: 160
    I moved across to pass the RHS of a skip truck stopped tight to the curb indicating left today, I didn't like the gap he'd left and the lights had to be changing shortly, the donkey I passed shortly before flashed up the LHS without so much as a pause just as the lights did in fact change, saved only by the truck either being slow to go or seeing him, incredible idiocy