First half a ton – Done!

Tony666 Posts: 274
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
Well the weather held out this weekend so it was back to catching up on missed training rides for the London to Southend ride next weekend. I was quite a bit behind where I had hoped to be right now and was beginning to get slightly worried. On Saturday, I did a fast 20 mile ride which was fun but Sunday was the big day when I had planned to break to the 50 mile barrier.

I set off around mid-day (no time to watch the Tour de France, but doing is better than watching!). I was determined to take things slowly and more measured and had a route planned which was ‘there and back again’. So as long as I made it there, short of getting on a train, I had to ride back. And what a great ride it was. Well all apart from when some asshole in a 4x4 decided there was no way he was even going to slow down as he speed towards me along a single track county lane. It was slam on my breaks, haul the bike virtually off the road and wonder just how stupid some people are. But there was no way he was going to spoil my ride as I was about 5 miles away from the magic 50 at that point. I kept checking the bike comp as I got close to the 50 mile barrier and let out a cheer when it read 50.01 miles!

Mind you, I have to say by that time I was riding in automaton mode – my legs moving by willpower more than anything else.

So the total distance ended up at 52 miles with an average speed of 14.5 mph – which may not be much be Le Tour standards but is something which, if I do say so myself, I am very proud of. The legs are a little sore from lactic acid today but who cares!!!

Now the 60 mile London to Southend ride doesn’t sound quite as daunting as 50 miles really was a psychological barrier for me.

It’s amazed me at just how quickly it is to make progress if you stick at it. I can remember posting here a few months back when my longest distance was 12 miles. So any beginners out there, just keep at it!


  • Aperitif 51
    Aperitif 51 Posts: 181
    Well done Tony.
    Remember - when you get to Southend...don't sucuumb to pier group pressure, :)
    Good luck, and enjoy the fish, chips and other amusements!
    106kg - kg361 255characters have read this so far...I believe
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    You'll do the 60 no problem at all - 50 on your own is far harder then 60 or 80 miles even with a group.
  • rohloff-rich
    rohloff-rich Posts: 232
    The improvement is quite dramatic once you've done it - I wanted to break the 40mile barrier the weekend before last, hit 45 on the day which I was well happy with!

    Following weekend I knew 45 was achievable so just rode - did 67miles! Ave. speed dropped to 12.5 though, so still plenty of work to do.
    An MTBer, but with skinny wheel tendencies...