TEXT Way, way too small

al_yrpal Posts: 102
As you get older you can always spot something designed by a 20/30 year old. They tend to assume that all eyes are like theirs, and make the text too small, and even worse make it grey to look nice


Don't assume that because you, the site builders can read it, that we all can read it

So for crikey's sake makeit bigger!



  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    So zoom in, then?

    On most browsers, <ctrl><+> zooms in. Some use <ctrl> and mouse wheel. If neither of those do it, poke around in your view menu.

    FWIW, the text doesn't seem any smaller than on any other site I frequent.
  • al_yrpal
    al_yrpal Posts: 102
    Thanks for the tip, but I don't see why the site builders cannot make the text a readable size for all ages in the first place. Its just typical of what you experience as you get older. I have been given unreadable business cards - my reaction? We are not doing business with these people, they are not with it

  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    Printed media is very different to on-screen media as fare as fonts go.

    What size the text is depends on a few things, mostly your browser and it's configuration and you monitor and it's resolution. So there's no real way to ensire that the text is always the size you want it at anyway, and since most browsers now have some sort of functionality where you can at the very least set a zoom level, if not set individual ones for each site, it's quite common practice to design to appease the large majority of users, on the presumption that it is incredibly easy for the rest to change it.

    Personally, I don't like reading big text. Not sure why, it just feels a bit odd. So any sites where the text is quite large, I zoom out.
  • St.D1ckie
    St.D1ckie Posts: 982
    why should everyone else have to scroll through ridiculous amounts of pages because the text is so big... just because you cant be bothered to use one of the many functions on your computer that allow you to increase the text size yourself..

    WMB's Dude-o
  • dannygcp
    dannygcp Posts: 151
    The OP is absolutely correct, the type size is way too small. Anyone with a sight problem, or who is over 50 is going to struggle to read the text.

    As I have mentioned elsewhere there are plenty of guidelines on good website design - see http://www.w3.org/WAI/

    Implementing good web design does not mean having to scroll though lots of pages - it just mean designing the existing pages so everyone can read them easily!
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    dannygcp wrote:
    Implementing good web design does not mean having to scroll though lots of pages - it just mean designing the existing pages so everyone can read them easily!

    If the text is made bigger, the people who currently like it will zoom out.
    if the text is kept the same, the people who currently want it bigger will zoom in.

    I can't say I'm concerned either way - there's plenty of sites for which i zoom in or out. I just really don't see why it's such a huge concern.