Why radar?

The user and all related content has been deleted.


  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    Bike radar = ridiculous nu-wave marketerring trash, such as that attaching itself to our beloved sport elsewhere
  • nockles
    nockles Posts: 2
    www.bike.com would have been fantastic, but the domain is gone and never to return (unless you have multi $$$). The BikeRadar.com name is similar to Future's GamesRadar.com and it was a decision to continue the Radar.com thing. Lots of people had mixed opinions of the name, but we need to deliver a site, and this domain name was what we had to work with. I think it's ok for a name considering most domains are gone in the bike world.
  • Gavin Weeks
    Gavin Weeks Posts: 321
    I tell you what - Nockles is right!
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    Ridiculous name and dubious design aside, all this change had done is alienate a constructive community in the C+ forum. I think you'll live to regret it.

    It's not too late to reinstate the C+ forum but unless you do it soon it may be a case of the last one to leave turning the lights off.

    Successful organisations share a common characteristic. They listen to what their customers want. The feedback so far has made this very clear.
  • John
    John Posts: 2,499
    You do realise everyones calling it BikeGaydar dont you, Now theres something youve overlooked in one of your thousands of board meetings.
  • I really must find a way of hacking there FTP to change the logo! :D
  • Gavin Weeks
    Gavin Weeks Posts: 321
    edited July 2007
    John wrote:
    You do realise everyones calling it BikeGaydar dont you, Now theres something youve overlooked in one of your thousands of board meetings.

    You act as if Bikegaydar is this big problem that will ruin the company! And gaydar? really? such a super example of wonderful creativity there!! The only thing it does show is a strong sense of immaturity to think that anyone over the age of 12 would be offended by that!

    People can call it what they like as far as we are concerned, we aren't 10 year olds at school calling each other gay to make the other cry. Well except the car mag staff :P hehe
  • DirtJumper3200
    DirtJumper3200 Posts: 221
    edited July 2007
    Sorry Gayin Wanks :wink:
  • Gavin Weeks
    Gavin Weeks Posts: 321
    Sorry Gayin Weeks :wink:

    lol i'm gonna tell my mum on you!
  • :o Im Sworri.