newbie needs first bike...

alfunk Posts: 12
edited July 2007 in MTB buying advice
Im 29 now and need a bike for commuting from Bexleyheath in Kent to Angel in London.

I have done this journey on a mountain bike which I understand is not the easiest bike to ride in London as it has quite wide handle bars and off road tyres.

However the 30mile round trip which I intend to do every day will soon get very tiring if I dont arrange for a more comfortable ride.

Now I have no knowledge of commuting by bike so please excuse my ignorance..

I have had back surgery (10 years ago) so i guess suspension would be a good idea? (please advise the pros and cons)

Whats the advantages of disc brakes, I will be going down a really steep hill on a daily basis (shootershill if you know it) or would the normal setup be fine.

What can I do to reduce the chances of getting punctures?

Can I trust bikeshops when buying a bike?

Oh my budget in terms of the bike itself is £300-500 and around £200 for safety equipment.

Your advice is much appreciated.
