Tips and Tricks in the forum

jibi Posts: 857
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
Now we have been here for a week, anyone got any better idea how to use the new layout?

My tips

I use a bookmark to come to the road section, and in Firefox I have it on my Bookmark toolbar

I read the posts I want then use the mark all topics read.
this makes all the post icons go white

I read the forums I want, again marking all topics read when I have finished

then I use the Mark all Forums read ( its under Reader's Ads)

Now all icons are white

I can use the Refresh icon, F5 ,the bookmark or even press the backspace key.
then if any forum icon has changed colour I know something has been posted.

If I go into that forum only the new posts are coloured.

Not quite the same as Active topics, or even Spy ( which I get on some forums)

Any more tips out there?



  • Yorkshireman
    Yorkshireman Posts: 999
    More or less what I`m doing (running IE) on most places I go on.
    Colin N.

    Lincolnshire is mostly flat... but the wind is mostly in your face!