lost screw for cycle computer fitting

hammerite Posts: 3,408
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
Did my first triathlon today, I thought I'd prepared my bike quite well, but hadn't checked my cycle computer (topeak). After about half a mile it started rattling about (it's worked itself loose before and I just tightened it up), so I just held onto it all the way round.

That was until about 8 miles (only a 10 mile ride) and the screw fell out and I was left with the computer and bracket in my hand (which I stuffed down my shorts and concentrated on getting a move on!).

So I am now screwless, do the screws tend to be standard size so I can just fit another? or will I need to get a new mounting for it?


  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    I am sure your LBS will be able to replace the screw. Or do you mean nut and bolt?
    good luck

  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Yes sorry, I mean the bolt. The nut is still in the bracket, so just lost the bolt.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    The same answer, try your LBS.

    or take the nut out and go to a hardware shop, they are standard sizes

    but you may have to buy a pack of 8 or something, make sure they are long enough and if needed chop some off.

    good luck
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    great thanks George. I hoped that would be the case.

    In fact a couple of months ago I'd have expected the bolt to be standard, but recent experiences in the dark art of flat pack furniture made me suspect otherwise!