Glasgow clubs...

Elskippy Posts: 35
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
Hi all. Just looking for some advice. I've just moved to glasgow and am keen to join a club. I've always cycled on my own am keen to join up with others but am a bit worried about what kind of level of fitness etc i should be at as i don't want to hold folk back or get left behind! At the moment I go on fairly regular rides (but not regular enough!) but need others to cycle with to keep me motivated so I can become a lot fitter and start racing...Anyone got any tips or recommendations for glasgow clubs who might welcome lassie like me?!



  • Richrd2205
    Richrd2205 Posts: 1,267
    have a list of clubs, although they appear to have made the search facility worse recently. Work & relationships have meant that I've yet to join a club, but I'll prob join the Johnstone Wheelers when/if I find the time to commit to same time riding each week since I've heard good things about them & they're local to me. Most clubs have a number of different rides to suit ability: check out the various websites (BC links to them normally). Prior to the move, there were a lot of Glasgow cyclists here, so feel free to ask about routes, shops etc...
    Welcome to Glasgow btw!
  • BigSpecs
    BigSpecs Posts: 309
    Hi Elskippy,
    Welcome to Glasgow! I too pondered joining a club for a long time until I took the plunge. I ended up joining the Glasgow Nightingale on the recommendation of a friend and member. What a great choice! A really friendly bunch of guys and gals always happy to welcome new members. They cater for all kinds of cyclists and all disciplines. They have regular club sessions both during the week and at weekends.
    Take a look here:
    and log on to the forum here:
    to see what's going on.
    You can contact the membership secretary through the forum.
    Nightingale is based in Torrance on the North side of the city but has regular members from all over Glasgow, including the Southside (like me :D )
    Hope this helps.
  • Elskippy
    Elskippy Posts: 35
    Hi Richard and Colin,

    Thanks for your advice - I have indeed found it hard to get info from the interweb including britishh many different sites and not all that easy to use!

    I've had a wee bogle at the Nightingales site Colin, and they do indeed look great. You may well see me at a meet sometime soon!

  • steveoath
    steveoath Posts: 34
    Cheers for that... I was about to write the same kind of post!
    Pedestals that are self made tend to crumble as the spotlight fades.