This is Cake Stop

Anonymous Posts: 79,665
edited July 2007 in The bottom bracket
Alrighty everyone.

Today I've posted three responses on Cake Stop to rude or negative posts from non Cake Stoppers about the kind fo discussion that goes on in here. I have stated 'This is Cake Stop', and then made a number of other statements, for example - 'we talk about life in general as well as cycling'; 'we are friendly'; 'do not be rude here' etc.

In short, it's time we started saying what this online community is about.

Although it's quite clear to me that Future see us as not-particularly-valuable-when-compared-to-the-mtb-market marketing prospects, hence our crappy treatment as a result of this 'merger', Cake Stop seems to mean something to the people who have posted here for years. We have a way of doing things which I like, and this is why I stay here.

So what it is about Cake Stop that you like, what does it mean to you, and how can we keep it that way?



  • Rhythm Thief
    Rhythm Thief Posts: 2,787
    Cake stop is kind of like a quiet local pub to me. I wouldn't want a local where no one ever talked about anything but bikes, or tried to start a fight every time I opened my mouth.
    I wouldn't worry too much Kirstie, I think the forum will eventually settle down into two or three distinct parts roughly corresponding with the old forums. In other words, the MBUK folk will post more in Sandbox than Cake Stop. Not that you're not welcome here folks but you do need to understand wot it's all about in here.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Well that was my point really.
    I'm probably being too intense, as usual :oops:
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,435
    I understand perfectly what its about. Relaxed chat, idle banter and the like.

    Please dont assume that all the people from MBUK are pillocks.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • Steve Austin
    Steve Austin Posts: 1,803
    So its just you then Homer's double? :wink:
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,435
    I resent that comment post count boy 8)
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • Aunty Rubbish
    Aunty Rubbish Posts: 1,010
    <300>THIS IS CAKESTOP!</300>
    Heh :twisted: . Lets form a blockade at Office and keep out the invading barbarians eh? :wink:

    Seriously, if we want things to stay even vaguely as they were (the camraderie, silliness, variety etc) then we might have to make a concerted effort. Hell, even I've come back and I've been under a large rock for over a year now...
  • Flying_Monkey
    Flying_Monkey Posts: 8,708
    As I said in another thread - at the very least, those of you being overly aggressive should read the posting guidelines (in the Road FAQs). Please?

    The different parts of this big new forum don't all have the same rules and customs. People are welcome everywhere but should respect each...

    Now I guess I'll have to tell 'em
    That I got no cerebellum
  • JinjaNinja
    JinjaNinja Posts: 1,033
    I Would like to apologize for diving in head first with out, as you correctly say, knowing the culture.

    Although I still stand by my point, I won't express them in that way again.

    Re-start and a friendly hand shake? *offers hand*
  • SJ
    SJ Posts: 2,871
    I understand perfectly what its about. Relaxed chat, idle banter and the like.

    Please dont assume that all the people from MBUK are pillocks.

    Yeah, a select few of us are mature adults!
    a dirtbag of the most delightful variety
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Aw. :D
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,435
    With houses,wives, kids, cars, jobs, bills etc etc.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    Well said, Kirstie. Or well typed, anyway.

    I suppose it was inevitable that tempers would get a bit frayed during the upheaval to a new place, but for the most part, I have really enjoyed the buzz of people getting used to it, venting their confusion and generally trying to make the best of the situation.

    I was relatively new to the Cplus forum and had no idea this was coming but I was hugely reassured to discover that the Cake Stop tent made it over the hedge to the new camp site. It is a good safe place from which to explore the rest of the site.

    As for tribal posturing towards people of other persuasions, this is quite normal human behaviour but it can be done with humour rather than naked agression (or agressive nakedness, for that matter).

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • CometGirl
    CometGirl Posts: 2,681
    I see cake stop as a cafe, a place to drop in and have tea and cake with like minded folk.

    Soapbox is the pub at the end of an unplanned night out.

  • Aunty Rubbish
    Aunty Rubbish Posts: 1,010
    No, Soapbox is the fight outside the kebab shop.... :shock:
  • Red Lemon
    Red Lemon Posts: 3,433
    No, Soapbox is the fight outside the kebab shop.... :shock:
    So what does that make the sandbox? The riot outside the Millwall game?
  • pneumatic wrote:
    Well said, Kirstie. Or well typed, anyway.

    I suppose it was inevitable that tempers would get a bit frayed during the upheaval to a new place, but for the most part, I have really enjoyed the buzz of people getting used to it, venting their confusion and generally trying to make the best of the situation.

    I was relatively new to the Cplus forum and had no idea this was coming but I was hugely reassured to discover that the Cake Stop tent made it over the hedge to the new camp site. It is a good safe place from which to explore the rest of the site.

    As for tribal posturing towards people of other persuasions, this is quite normal human behaviour but it can be done with humour rather than naked agression (or agressive nakedness, for that matter).

    Totally Agree...after all we have been taking the good natured rise out of the English for years.... :D
  • Sheddy
    Sheddy Posts: 942
    I imagine getting in tents with Kirstie would be quite pleasureable ! :D
    Too much of anything is too much for me
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Depends what I've been eating, as my other half will no doubt testify :D
  • stephec
    stephec Posts: 795
    You never know, some people have quite 'ahem' specialised interests. :shock: :shock: :shock:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I'll just add that at Mountain Mayhem the other weekend I put up a grand total of 5 tents and one giant gazebo...which I suppose makes me an expert in erections...arf arf :lol:
  • stephec
    stephec Posts: 795
    iI'm beginning to enjoy this forum. :P :P :P
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    It's all getting to in tents for me!

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • Aint Skeered
    Aint Skeered Posts: 369
    People do not relish change, and Cake stop has been a place where we have had all manor of emotions,problems, births,deaths, attempted suicide,eating disororders, etc etc. shared.
    I am sure it is a place that is very important to a lot of people.
    As for myself, I relish the acid wit, and the p*ss taking, the tears and the tantrums,and of coarse the smutt.
    I think we should stick with it, and not adopt the " It's my ball, and I'm going home" attitude.
    I have registered with other forums, but hey, why not. It's good to see what others are upto.