Taking turns at the front of club run.

saddlesore2 Posts: 8
edited July 2007 in Road beginners
Hi All,

I shall be going on my 1st club run this weekend with a group of riders that average around 15 - 16 mph over approx 50 - 60 mile. My question is, when it's my turn to do a bit of the work up front how long should i stay there before dropping back.

Now I know it's not an exact science, but what would you say..........10 mins, 20 mins ?....5 miles, 10 miles ?, or just wait untill someone moves up to take over ?



  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Take note of what everyone else is doing and fit in with that. If they are taking long turns at the front and you find it a bit too much, don't be afraid to say so and peel off early. You don't want to do a long stint just because you think you ought to and then immediatly get dropped. Nobody will mind, provided you don't then start beating them in the sprint to the cafe, that is.
  • Aidocp
    Aidocp Posts: 868
    From my limited experience, I only joined the club in Feb, everthing seems to work fine and I gradually move to the front unless we're chain ganging, I just wait there until I'm passed. It doesn't seem complicated. The group leaders tend to control this and also allow for the less strong riders who they don't put the front as often.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    No one will mind if you don't do any work up front. As a newcomer the concern for both you and them is that you come along, enjoy yourself, meet a few people and begin to get a feel for how they ride and how your fitness/strength compares. Nobody will be cursing you if you don't go through.

    If you are confident enough to go through to the front then take your lead from what everyone else is doing. In my club there are no rules or even unspoken rules. The changeovers at the front usually happen when the group gets disrupted for some reason - a junction where the group gets split up or disorgansed, or perhaps on a hill where some go ahead of others. Usually the run leader spends a good portion of the time on the front with A. N. Other rider who is known to be strong to cope with the extra workload. None of it's a big deal, though - don't worry about it!
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Yes agree with all the above - some people welcome the chance to ride on the front for the extra training - so just fit in but if it's getting too much let them know and sit in - better that than blowing up and then struggling to keep the pace. Our club tend to do a few miles at a time, maybe a bit more, and towards the end it's the stronger ones who tend to stay on the front.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    Just hide near the back and have everyone else pull you along!!
  • gaterz1981
    gaterz1981 Posts: 503
    most of the time the power houses all hang about at the front and drag our group along.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    >>"saddlesore2" said: Now I know it's not an exact science, but what would you say..........

    Wait until someone behind gets bored talking to the dull guy next to him and screams "CHANGE!!!!" at the top of hisa voice :lol:
  • Thanks everyone for the replies............This has given me a good idea what to expect :)
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    Now I know it's not an exact science, but what would you say..........10 mins, 20 mins ?....5 miles, 10 miles ?, or just wait untill someone moves up to take over ?

    Agree with all the above comments, just take it easy and se how it goes, don't feel obliged or under pressure.

    As for time or distance, something between 1 km and 5 km is about the norm amongst those I ride with, nothing like 10 miles!

    Or we do the Belgian Circle (constant rotation).
  • gaterz1981
    gaterz1981 Posts: 503
    did my first rotation group cycling today due to the wind, was lovelly. went from total exhaustion to 24mph with ease. you go through and off. more interesting then sitting in a bunch.