Bye everyone.

Rhythm Thief
Rhythm Thief Posts: 2,787
edited July 2007 in The bottom bracket
That's it from me folks. This forum is now officially crap, so you'll find me at CycleChat and the League of Gentleman Cyclists in future. It's been fun, cheers.


  • Julspro
    Julspro Posts: 51
    I'm a cyclechat - much quieter.

    Have a great Tour.
    Caribbean Soul
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    I looked in at Cycle Chat....looks likes its full of beginners. their version of Know How looks rather empty. :?
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • overmars
    overmars Posts: 430
    Yes it's quieter at cyclechat... 'cos there's no one there!
  • john ponting
    john ponting Posts: 491
    This is not a dig at anybody who has decided to move on - just my thoughts on the changes.


    would have been better if the insert img code had worked.

    Had the same on another forum - people leaving in highly public manner.

    My personal feeling is that an email or post to the site admin staff is needed, followed by a brief cheerio to members if wanted, followed by no more posting.

    Transition to new forum hasn't gone as smoothly as it might.

    Screen less easy to read. Text too small, colours too bright.

    Some people had to re register because their names got screwed.

    Most threads have now migrated.

    Road/Forum only takes 2 clicks or a new favourite/bookmark.

    People change partner, homes, jobs, countries with less bother.
  • just press OPTION KEY AND + and the screen will get bigger. Alternatively do it from the menu system
  • ChrisKH
    ChrisKH Posts: 1,717
    I may take a look elsewhere. I have to say at the moment there isn't the same sort of personal feel to this site. I abandoned a similar rugby based site because it was too impersonal, too big and full of opinionated tossers. But I will give it a try first.
    Baby elephants are so last year, darling.
  • alecstilleyedye
    alecstilleyedye Posts: 1,170
    i'm giving cyclechat a try, but i'll still be here untill there's a tipping point that turns cyclechat into essentialy c+ in exile.
    riding on my bicycle, i saw a motorcrash…
  • Rhythm Thief
    Rhythm Thief Posts: 2,787
    Hmmm. "Crap" might have been a bit strong, with hindsight. But it's not as good as it was. Anyway, I keep popping in for a look and finding things I want to reply to, so for now I seem to be still here. :roll:
  • Rob Sallnow
    Rob Sallnow Posts: 6,279
    Are you avoiding ACF for any reason?
    I'd rather walk than use Shimano
  • Rhythm Thief
    Rhythm Thief Posts: 2,787
    Not really Rob, I just haven't found it yet. Giz a link and I'll join there too.
  • Steve Austin
    Steve Austin Posts: 1,803
    You're BACK! :shock:
  • Yorkshireman
    Yorkshireman Posts: 999
    It`s here :-
    Dip your toe in :wink: .
    Colin N.

    Lincolnshire is mostly flat... but the wind is mostly in your face!
  • ashbyalien
    ashbyalien Posts: 609
    i gotta say, i've been on singletrackworld a lot more since the change over here.
  • Rhythm Thief
    Rhythm Thief Posts: 2,787
    You're BACK! :shock:

    I'm famous for my ability to dither endlessly mate. :D
  • Steve Austin
    Steve Austin Posts: 1,803
    good to see you back. keep dithering, this place could be fun :D
  • Aunty Rubbish
    Aunty Rubbish Posts: 1,010
    Has Pete Biggs made it over here yet? Our KnowHow is going to be pretty hollow without him. Losing people like Pete would be the biggest indictment of this wretched mess.
  • Dayvo
    Dayvo Posts: 1,882
    Rhythm Thief!
    As I said before, 'United we stand...'

    If we give it a week or so to get over the teething problems and initial shock, then hopefully it'll be ok.
    I miss the friendliness, cosiness, mischieviousness, wit etc. of C+, but if 'we' stay togetherthen maybe a kind of compromise can be made.
    I certainly don't want to lose touch with a lot of you, and even look forward to making new 'mates'.
    As the saying goes: Make new friends, but keep the old; new friends are silver but the old are gold!
    Even after only 20 months as a forumer! :lol:
    I get knocked down . . . but I get up again . . .
  • Archcp
    Archcp Posts: 8,987
    Well, as I'm going to have to restrict myself to one or the other, I'm off to Cyclechat - now that most of the people I want to chat with are there...

    See you over there!
    If I had a baby elephant, it could help me clean the car. If I had a car.
  • jibi
    jibi Posts: 857
    Bye Sue
    At least i met you in person before you left.

    Have fun
  • Chris42
    Chris42 Posts: 809
    Bye bye
    I'm off to
    shame I liked the old site
    cheers everyone
    delete me from this crap forum
  • emu
    emu Posts: 161
    Bye from me too.