Good Evening

Kitty Posts: 2,844
edited July 2007 in The bottom bracket
Good Evening to all the various bikers, how has your days been? :D

As you might guess I'm slightly bored.


  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    My evening has been..well, fairly boring. I am trying to get used to this newness and just about getting there (sorry I am a bit of a duffer and like to know what I am doing, and not to have to change settings which I have no idea about, etc)

    You surely cannae be THAT bored!?
  • Nivacrom
    Nivacrom Posts: 111
    Hello Kitty, which forum were you rudely turfed out of, C+?
    Unfortunately this CakeStop isn't like old one (yet). Hopefully over the next week or so someone will manage to lower the tone without getting banned.
  • Julspro
    Julspro Posts: 51
    Hey - are any of you guys interested in maybe consolidating some of these categories? I am not used to such a big place. No one seems to be able to find posts, so they just create new ones.
    I don't know - maybe we can list categories and have a vote or something.

    I am a road racing fan from the former (now under lockdown :cry:).

    I feel like they are pushing 2 schools together and the teachers said, 'eh, the kids'll work it out'

    Any ideas?

    Caribbean Soul
  • Kitty
    Kitty Posts: 2,844
    Suppose I'm a mbuker, only stayed about on there because of Chris, also I did for a short time enter all of the forums really and had a look around, most of the whatmtb people were rude to me so I gave up and went back to mbuk were a few people are still rude to me anyway.
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    I was a "first day" procycling forum member (under a different name) and also a forum member of MTB as well (I can't remember which one). I have not posted on procycling forum for a while as I tend to visit Race. I found the MTB forum was a bit <enter own choice of word - but a selection of homophobic, sexist, crude, rude, full of tossers, etc> although there were some good people there as well - I have visited the MTB bits since the change and do not like the "general feel" of it at all. I would much prefer if we could amalgamate the good bits and have the idiots leave - I have already seen a few examples of posts and members being pushed out and deleted for what apppears to be "petty" reasons yet other vitriolic posters continue without sanction.

    Sorry to bring it back to moaning...I just want an easy forum. this is not an easy forum on so many levels - the main one being the level of brain activity required to be able to be a member which is exhausting!!! (this is not just a moan but a professional observation as my job involves this kind of thing)
  • Julspro
    Julspro Posts: 51
    Well, it is kind of nice to hear that other people are having the same issues as me. I can't believe how rude/mean some of the people on here are. I didn't feel very welcomed. I also can't understand why there are so many topics not about cycling.
    This is way too complicated. I used to look forward to good, intelligent conversation about the races, the riders, who is gonna win? who will be the top five? , etc...
    I have actually asked if they could start a forum so I will have somewhere to go and chat about cycling, the races and the riders.
    I really miss that conversation, and it doesn't look like I will find it here.

    Have a good day everyone and ENJOY THE TOUR!!!!!
    Caribbean Soul
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Julspro on Cakestop we talk about life in general and then some cycling, pretty much. C+ used to have a forum called Race where people talked about the kind of thing you're after. Perhaps you'll find what you're looking for there.