My Post Count - took me dam years to sort that !

yenrod Posts: 135
So where is it - 2 threads ive posted on to get it sorted and.....................

Typical fucking C+ webmasters/ admin- shite as usual !

[;)] 'tuono nel mio cuore...[:)]


  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    Sorry you dont seem to be very clever.

    You have done as they have asked and yet you complain when there are no Admins on-line.

    they will get to it when they can.

    i see you will be fun. :lol:
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • yenrod
    yenrod Posts: 135
    Obviously some one who thinks your the only person in the fucking place - go away saddo !
    [;)] 'tuono nel mio cuore...[:)]
  • Aunty Rubbish
    Aunty Rubbish Posts: 1,010
    Afternoon Yenners. Bloody awful show, yes? And who's the sneering toad named after some retired golfer? I don't know who you are toad, but lay off our Yenners. :evil:
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    27,000 posts, from Sweden and no manners.

    It cannot be true.
  • Nick H.
    Nick H. Posts: 15
    Way to go yenrod! Keep the insults coming, he's a mod!
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    He may be a mod, but he has no decorum nor does he appear to have any understanding of how the change has affected some forum members...being overpowering and rude may work with some people, but I reckon a more reasoned approach is required. Mods require a certain degree of understanding beyind a reactionary swipe of the mouse - perhaps "nicklouse" has gained some degree of respect over time elsewhere, he may require to re-assess how he will gain this with new members. At present, it does not appear to be going very well.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    at the moment a have to say i cant be arsed, there is a sticky for you to register that you are short of posts. you have registered the fact. and guess what it will get sorted. So why do certain people need to make post after post complaining that they are missing there posts?

    the more noise you make the less likely that you will have a quick result to the problem.

    you talk about respect. works both ways, all i see is a kid complaing about some posts.

    and after his post about snorting some drugs......... why should i think and more.
    the fact is that you are one of the original C+ers and i would not be supprised if you were about before the Snitz forums atarted?

    OH and finally you may see some big changes after the damn tour gets finished. As that is what everyone seems to be concentrating on at the moment.

    i supose i could start shouting about my lost 50 posts from C+ etc

    as we all know this change is not going well but we are stuck with it. and some mug(s) have been asked to keep some control over it.

    which is very difficult with the current issues.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Nick H.
    Nick H. Posts: 15
    The lunatics have taken over the asylum :roll:
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    Illiterate lunatics to boot.
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    A quote: "So why do certain people need to make post after post complaining that they are missing there posts? "

    A possible answer:

    This is new territory. Stickies, new threads, replies to you etc. don't work in the same way they did in the old territory. It is a challenge that will gradually become easier. Not everyone can look at an index page on a forum and automatically know how it works. Not everyone reacts favourably to being dumped out of somewhere they were comfortable, without any warning, without any assistance, into somewhere rather foreign.

    The challenge is not made any easier by smart-arse comments by people who should know better.

    PS: it is "Their" not "There"

    PPS: That is a smart-arse comment by someone who should know better
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    not illiterate just tired and dyslexic. another thing i hate about this, no spell check.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    I hate to say it, but you could get a Mac - spell checking in the input boxes!

    (I'm sure there is a solution for PCs too. Linux, well, who cares! :P )

    Night :D
  • The transition problems will be fixed - please bear with us. The whole site is a beta and we're fixing bugs left, right and centre.

    Post counts do seem like a rather trivial thing to get heated about, but we understand that's more a symptom of confusion with all the other changes than the number being in any way a deep reflection of people's personal worth. We're listening.

    As for spell checking, Firefox 2.0 has built-in spell-checking for form text boxes, and isSpell - - is a free plug-in that does the same thing for Internet Explorer under Windows.
    John Stevenson
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    john who actually uses their own laptops/PC's for visiting forums?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Nick

    Good point, and while I couldn't possibly suggest people circumvent their companies policy's, Firefox can be installed without admin privs. Dunno about ieSpell.

    That said, if people use their browsers to fill in forms in their work - and who doesn't these days? - there's a solid business case for getting the IT department to install a spell checker :wink:
    John Stevenson
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    A thought after this thread...

    Do the various Mods (on the new set-up) have a period where they query each other before taking action. There are some C+ posters with idiosyncrasies that were tolerated - it looks like they might not be tolerated by different mods. I'm sure the same applies to the other other boards? Having said that, there are now a huge number of members and moderation will have to take a different form anyway.
  • yenrod
    yenrod Posts: 135
    Jaded wrote:
    A thought after this thread...

    Do the various Mods (on the new set-up) have a period where they query each other before taking action. There are some C+ posters with idiosyncrasies that were tolerated - it looks like they might not be tolerated by different mods. I'm sure the same applies to the other other boards? Having said that, there are now a huge number of members and moderation will have to take a different form anyway.

    Was a huge no. of members - most have left including me - thank god !

    By the way - i simply cannot be bothered now at ALL ! :)
    [;)] 'tuono nel mio cuore...[:)]
  • Aunty Rubbish
    Aunty Rubbish Posts: 1,010
    John Stevenson --> "Post counts do seem like a rather trivial thing to get heated about,"

    In one sense, yes, absolutely. However, to many people it represents the time and effort that they have invested in this online community. That's not just a trivial thing and it's what makes a good forum come alive. The likes of Yenrod, who we know and love, helped make C+ feel like home, or a favourite pub. It would be a very sad day if he is made to feel like a nothing more than A.N Other poster.

    Nicklouse - I gather you've PM'd Yenners and apologised. Duly noted.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    Please restore my 5000 of post count as soon as possible. I want people to know I have put time into dicusssion of cycling on your forums-part if building character online IMO. I'll give it the week ahead then Dave_1 dissapears as does the person behind him from these forum. IMO people like me are badly needed in race, along with other stalwart members who are well known. Pls do something
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    john who actually uses their own laptops/PC's for visiting forums?

    I do. And I use Firefox 2 so that's why this post contains no spelling mistakes.
  • yenrod
    yenrod Posts: 135
    John Stevenson --> "Post counts do seem like a rather trivial thing to get heated about,"

    In one sense, yes, absolutely. However, to many people it represents the time and effort that they have invested in this online community. That's not just a trivial thing and it's what makes a good forum come alive. The likes of Yenrod, who we know and love, helped make C+ feel like home, or a favourite pub. It would be a very sad day if he is made to feel like a nothing more than A.N Other poster.

    Nicklouse - I gather you've PM'd Yenners and apologised. Duly noted.

    I used to hold JS in high regard: not now though....

    Eh Chuff's like yoo say exactly mate !

    Thanks for the comments mate 8)

    Stuff like this is common sense you know !!!

    Hope things are good, man ! :)
    [;)] 'tuono nel mio cuore...[:)]
  • Eurostar
    Eurostar Posts: 1,806
    Yenners, last night when I looked at the bikeradar home page your thread title was proudly sitting at the top of the list - with no sweary filtering! Perhaps this reply will bump it back there again... :D
    <h6>What\'s the point of going out? We\'re just going to end up back here anyway</h6>
  • Eurostar
    Eurostar Posts: 1,806
    Bump! :wink:
    <h6>What\'s the point of going out? We\'re just going to end up back here anyway</h6>
  • Yorkshireman
    Yorkshireman Posts: 999
    You still here Yenners?
    Colin N.

    Lincolnshire is mostly flat... but the wind is mostly in your face!
  • Hover Fly
    Hover Fly Posts: 87
    [bzz]Just checking my post count[/bzz]
    <font>I\'m not a wasp, honest. Or a baby elephant</font>
  • Hover Fly
    Hover Fly Posts: 87
    [bzz] Yep! still there! Aninsect with more posts Than Kendod! [/bzz]
    <font>I\'m not a wasp, honest. Or a baby elephant</font>
  • Yorkshireman
    Yorkshireman Posts: 999
    Hover Fly wrote:
    [bzz] Yep! still there! Aninsect with more posts Than Kendod! [/bzz]

    No stinger then ... What about teeth? :roll:
    Colin N.

    Lincolnshire is mostly flat... but the wind is mostly in your face!
  • yenrod
    yenrod Posts: 135
    You still here Yenners?

    I do but only occasssionally to see if anything has changed...
    [;)] 'tuono nel mio cuore...[:)]
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    Move along please.

    Nothing to see here.

    It's all Post Count, as far as I can see.
  • Yorkshireman
    Yorkshireman Posts: 999
    Jaded wrote:
    Move along please.

    Nothing to see here.

    It's all Post Count, as far as I can see.

    Hm! Yes, and the highest ones seem to be you and EUROSTAR :wink: .
    Don`t suppose anyone knows if all mine came with me, I`m buggered if I can remember how many I had `over there` (I don`t seem to have many considering how long I was there) :? .
    Colin N.

    Lincolnshire is mostly flat... but the wind is mostly in your face!