dartmoor, exeter bike routes

nickbrown_500 Posts: 41
edited March 2008 in Routes
im going on holiday soon around the dartmoor exeter area anyone have any good routes from round that area, also what type of bike tyre is best for the terrain


  • caspar
    caspar Posts: 6
    What level of difficulty and how long do want the routes to be?

    As for which bike, I really enjoy my full suss, it is a bit of a drag up the hills/tors but it is great going down. Having said that if I want to cover as much ground as possible I would plump for a hardtail any day.

    Do you like northshore?
    http://www.dmbholidays.co.uk/ for MTB holidays over Dartmoor tailored to suit your needs.
  • AndyGates
    AndyGates Posts: 8,467
    Exeter MTB are your friends: http://www.exmtb.co.uk/index.htm

    There are some routes there on Haldon (family-friendly to North Shore with ramps n'everything!) and Woodbury (open singletrack mostly) and the links page includes rides and guides to Dartmoor.

    I'm going to give one of the Woodbury ones a try tomorrow... 8)
    Wanted: Penny farthing. Please PM me!
    Advice for kilted riders: top-tubes are cold.
  • I've done a good route on Dartnoor a few months back, you need OS map OL28, all following grid refs start with the prefix SX if you're programing a GPS. Start at the car park in princetown grid ref: 589735, go past South Hessary Tor grid ref: 597723, at cross roads turn right grid ref: 602708, continue down really nice rocky bridle way to grid ref: 573700, cross over small bridge grid ref: 569700, continue along small bridle way past Burrator Reservoir to grid ref: 552691 where you pick up a small road to grid ref: 545694 where you join B3212, follow this road (quite a climb but a very fast descent on the other side) to grid ref: 561708 where you follow a bridle way that skirts round Ingra Tor and back to the car park in Princetown. This route is about 18km long and should take about 1.5 to 2 hours depending on fitness, more time if you stop for lots of breaks, picnics or just to enjoy the scenery.
  • I have 12 routes of Dartmoor which I can email you. I did the Princetown route the other day, it was great but would say that a full suss makes it more comfortable..let me know .. :shock:
  • yeah that would be good if you could email me them,
    my email addy is nickbrown_2001@hotmail.com

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,826
    dartmoor is alternatly sandy and mudd

    (fnarr...due to the quartz in the granite being extremly resistant to erosion, and the feldspar chemicaly altering to kaolinite clay...fnarr..fnarr)

    so all round tyres are best if its gonna be wet, if not then you could get away with some more dusty/sandy tread tyres...i use panaracer cinders or fire XC pros but i'm no expert

    although beware, there are plenty of bogs you can get stuck in, although no tyres will ride through them

    If you find any good routes.......let me know
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • sent any problems let me know. Do you have a gps? as I can direct you to a site where there are memory map routes of Dartmoor. You will need the soft wear to open them though...
  • Fuzz Monkey Five
    Fuzz Monkey Five Posts: 194
    edited May 2008
    Hi Helen,
    Could I get a copy of the Dartmoor routes ? I live in Torquay and always looking for other local places to ride. My email is

  • SENT
  • Flambes
    Flambes Posts: 191
    Did the one from this page (memory map route).


    Map: http://www.bluefence.co.uk/routes/postbridge.jpg

    Wasn't too keen TBH, was very short (1hr 30 mins approx), was tricky terrain, large stones, a couple of rivers to get through (both feet down in one of them!) although that was quite fun (in hindsight).

    Lots of gates in the 1st few km.

    Downhill sections were too rocky to get any decent speed up.

    The stepping stones near "Laughter Hole" were quite widely spaced and very difficult to get across. Cleats were slipping on the stones, bit scary really! River was too high to wade. Wouldn't recommend crossing it alone as I was.

    Last 3rd, a bit dull, grasstrack. Glad I did it, but back to the Quantocks next time!
  • i couldn't possibly get a copy of these routes emailed to me could i Helen? please.


  • sent... :lol:
  • Hi Helen.

    I think I sent you a DM route a while back but am now close to my DM holiday. If you wouldnt mind sending me your routes I may find a bit I've missed.




    Riding, wrecking and repairing mtb's for too long!!

  • doofy
    doofy Posts: 83
    any chance anyone whose got a copy of those routes could mail me it?
    my emails dustbindoofy@tiscali.co.uk
  • I led a group of riders on a 2 day holiday on Dartmoor Oct 2007.

    The routes we followed were patched together from bike mags, forum members and websites. They were very successful and we have already planned a return visit.

    The routes are available to download in PDF at our website.


    I have them in Tracklogs format if anyone wants them emailed.

    Contact me via the website.

    Riding, wrecking and repairing mtb's for too long!!

  • This website is a great resource for routes, the link takes you to Dartmooor routes but they have got routes all over the UK.

    http://www.dmbholidays.co.uk/ for MTB holidays over Dartmoor tailored to suit your needs.
  • keith
    keith Posts: 1,149
    Any chance of mailing me the routes too?


    I'm down in Paignton and always looking for new routes to ride in the Dartmoor area.
  • wrongway
    wrongway Posts: 14
    Please can I be sent them aswell?! thanks alot , Hannah

  • newvroom
    newvroom Posts: 6
    I'm also off to Devon on holiday. Has anybody ridden the XC route at Haldon recently? What's it like? How does it compare to dartmoor riding? (No GPS, so would I spend a lot of time stopping to look at my map?)
  • sam1234
    sam1234 Posts: 97
    Rode Haldon this week first time for a while its ok not very long 8k I think, so good for a quick blast. I would head up onto Dartmoor for longer rides, as I know Dartmoor fairly well I tend to not spend to long looking at the map. If you do a ride over the top of the moor good map reading skills are handy and you could spend somtime map reading. But not to worry theres some good riding especaily in the Princetown and Hound Tor areas.
    Personally I enjoy map reading so if I do have to get the map out I don't mind.

    Have Fun
